Merry Christmas to all! I know, it's not Christmas yet, but I have been "window shopping" with the boys all afternoon at Toys R Us. My mind is finally beginning to get in a Christmasy way of thinking. The boys were running around chanting, "I can't wait till Christmas! I'm so excited! Only 16 days left!" My son Adam thinks that Christmas eve should be declared its own holiday... the day of greatest suspense! Kids are so neat! Jesus said, "Unless you come to me as a little child, you will NOT enter the kingdom of heaven." How is it that as adults, we lose all that innocence and wonder? How is it we become so cynical? Go figure.

The boys and I watched the space shuttle lift off tonight on NASA TV (the internet is an amazing thing!!). It was really cool, and Adam and Nick were in awe of the speed that ship was travelling. But the really cool thing is that a few minutes later, my mom called me from Florida just busting to tell me her experience! She and Ray watched the lift off on TV, and then ran outside (they live in Leesburg) to see if they could see it. They looked around, wondering which area of the sky to watch. She said suddenly, a huge orange fireball came up over the trees and lit up the sky! They watched it as the solid rocket boosters detached and until they could no longer see it. She said it was so cool! What a neat thing! I guess Florida is going to be a great place for them.
In other news, Nick lost a tooth tonight, and now has FOUR large openings in his face! LOL! It is cute! I can't post a picture, because my husband has his computer at work with him. Oh well.
Tomorrow is church! Yay! Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the week! I will let you know about the awesome things that happen in the house of the Lord tomorrow! Good night all! I have six loads of laundry to fold!
Just when you think you have seen it all, you have the opportunity to see something as awsome as 7 human beings being rocketed into space to go to an international space station to replace some wiring. What a great country we live in. It was hard to believe that in just 8 minutes, the shuttle traveled from our state of Florida to pass by my family in Maine. I wish I could take that flight when traveling between VT and FL.!!!!
Today we went with friends to a very heart warming experience at the Assembly of God church here in Leesburg. The program was a "Living Christmas Tree". The tree is a set of risers in the shape of a Christmas tree and covered in greenery and lights so that you don't see anything but the tree. As the choral group take their place in the tree, their heads become the ornaments on the tree. There were some tremdous testimonies given that brought you to the realities of life and the troubles that so many of us face. Bottom line, we are never alone and God is there to welcome us home and relieve us from our burdens if we give our heart to Jesus. The music and dance was great. All that followed by a nice dinner out with friends and beautiful warm sunshine makes the day pretty much perfect. Thank you God for this day.
Sounds awesome! Does the church have a website that you know of? If they do, maybe they will post some pictures of that living Christmas tree. Glad you had the opportunity to attend. Sounds like Florida is suiting you more and more! I'm happy that you are having so much fun there! Love you Mom!
I enjoy reading your blog. It lifts me up when I need it. Thanks.
Keep up the good blogging.
Hey Gina! I am so glad to know that you are a reader! Thanks for the encouraging comment. Are you going to Holly's next week? We can't make it... :( Have a wonderful Christmas!!
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