Why? Because this weekend, in my hometown (well, next town over), a sweet 9 year old cub scout was killed in the Christmas parade after falling off the float and being crushed under the wheels of the float trailer. He was celebrating the festive events of Christmas. My boys didn't know him, but they have lost one of their own. So this picture is my tribute to their devastated family. They are in my prayers.

Then came the best fun of all... cutting down our Christmas tree! It was c-c-c-cold out, so we chose and cut our tree in 5 minutes! It is beautiful!

This is Adam brandishing the saw... scary little kid with a sharp tool! AHHHH! Actually, he's not exactly little anymore, and he did a marvelously responsible job handling the saw, thank you very much! :-)
All male members of the family had a hand in cutting with the saw, but dad did the bulk of the work.

Everyone make the "Tim the toolman" grunting sound! **ar, ar, argh** Look at the tree, honey!

Isn't it lovely?? Everyone helped... even Sandy! We saved the angel tree topper for her to put on the next day. (Tree topper not yet picured here.... sorry).
So... that is the story of the festive Christmas events around my neck of the woods this past weekend. Let me know what you think!
It was so heart warming to feel a little bit closer to my precious family in VT. Ah, the memories I have of special Christmas festivities that we shared when Nick and Adam's Mommy was a lettle girl. Those are the gifts of life that never end. You are such sprecial parents because you make every day special for your boys. May God bless you all this Christmas season. See you in VT soon. Love you lots.
Beautiful stories Shell. Love the tree.
Sandy L
Tell the boys that Dylan and Josh were asking about them and said to say HI
Hey Sandy,
Message delivered, and Adam and Nick say HI BACK! to Dyl and Josh! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!
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