Let me first warn you... being 40 years old and somewhat forgetful... I have no pictures to share of our boys opening their presents Christmas morning *sniff sniff*. Because my husband had to work at rescue on Christmas day, we woke up and loaded all the presents into the car and went to rescue for our gift opening time with daddy. But the camera was left at home on the kitchen table. Oops. But here is a picture of the tree before we loaded the car...

Basically, my boys spent a LOT of time doing this... (quite a few new games for the gamecube...). Note the Yankees outfits head to toe... thanks, Sandy, for encouraging them to continue following the evil empire of NY! LOL!

The afternoon of Christmas day, we headed over to Sandini's place. We gave her a stocking (being our "adopted daughter") on Sat. evening, that contained many of the things that the boys got... including silly string! Here are some pictures of the war that ensued...

Another thing that Sandy got in her stocking (as well as everyone in our family) was a ticket to go with us to see Ken Davis live in Barre! She was so excited!!!! We can't wait! If you have never heard of Ken Davis, visit his website HERE and watch some of the video clips from his MANY DVDs... they are hilarious!!! He is a Christian comedian that everyone should experience at least once!

Next in our journey, we travel to Ben and Stacy's house for Christmas dinner (roast beef... YUMMMMMM!!!!) and more presents for the kiddos. Adam took this picture of his newest cousin Elana in the "baby's first Christmas" outfit he bought for her. Isn't she cute???

This is Mikey in the spiderman outfit we got him... he loved it!! It has a mask too, but this picture doesn't show it. The outfit also has a spider that lights up and blinks on the chest. Cool!

The next day, we headed to St. Johnsbury to see THIS CLAN RIGHT HERE!!

Jason's dad and Winnie came up from Maryland with Matt and Brianna and their daughter RAVEN!! It was so excellent to see everyone and we had a wonderful time catching up on things and just being together. But this little girl here was really the star of the show... she is, as Sandy would say, A DOORBELL (adorable)!

This was Raven's first memorable experience with SNOW, so she was thrilled to play in the little bit we had... making snow angels and eating and spitting snow! Click the link below for a cute video of Raven in the snow.
Raven in the snow

Not only was she excited to see snow, but also to see "the cousins"!
Here are some pictures of "the cousins" hanging out together.

We got Raven some playdo for a Christmas gift, and it kept her entertained for HOURS! She loved it!

However, she also loved playing with the laser tag that the boys got. Funny!

Now, lest you think that it was ALL about Raven, it was not. I did take some pictures of my own children..

They just happen to get more than their share of picture time on this blog already! All in all, it was an awesome Christmas, filled with the blessing of family time all around! My mom and Ray were here from Florida, we spent time with the local family, and Alan, Winnie, Matt, Brianna, and Raven were up from Maryland. It was sweet.
My very very favorite part of it all was the time spent talking with Winnie and Brianna at the kitchen table in the cabin. We were all sharing our testimonies about how we came to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. It was powerful time, and very encouraging! We got to know each other in a much deeper way this week, and I am thankful for that! God is so good!!!!
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to share this 2006 Christmas journey with me. My boys are currently out flying their remote control helicopters... fun! Love to all! Feel free to leave a comment to let me know you've been here to check it out! :-)
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