Friday, February 06, 2009

God is here

Hello all! This is a quick post to tell you that we are having an amazing time here at the Winterfire Conference in CT, and GOD IS HERE in a powerful way! Last night, on top of just seeing so many of the saints of God that we know and love, we heard two incredible messages from the Lord, one delivered by our General Superintendent Bishop Kenneth Haney, and the other delivered by the General Foreign Missions director, Bro. Bruce Howell.

Our superintendent, Bishop Kenneth Haney

Bro. Haney's message was about having passion and zeal for the Lord and for reaching souls. His point about "entitlement" was a powerful eye opener, and his encouragement to find your passion was so uplifting!

Bro. Bruce Howell's message was equally powerful, and it was simply called "UNTIL". Really, I don't have time to explain that message this morning, it was so incredible.... maybe if we have some down time this afternoon, I'll be able to explain it out to you. But MAN it was powerful!!!!!! I believe cancers were healed in Jesus' name, and ministries were birthed or renewed as well.

One of the coolest moments last night was reconnecting with an old old acquaintance of ours, Bro. Owens. He came to our church as an evangelist 14 years ago (Jason and I had been married less than a year), and he stayed in our apartment with us. We have never forgotten him, and talk about him every so often with others. I never imagined we'd see him again, and BOOM! there he was last night... we got caught up on family life and such, and then during service he came over and prayed with us. God is so cool how he orchestrates our every step.

I'd love to write more, but it is almost 8am, and church starts at 9.... I'm not even close to ready to go! This morning, we are slated to hear from Bro. Sam Emory, Bro. Steve Warman, and Bro. Greg Godwin. I will let you know what God does in these meetings! I am expecting God to show up and do something great in me! Praise God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great time!