Sunday, October 12, 2008

Technology makes for a "small world"

I am excited! I love technology! When my mother-in-law and her husband moved away to Denver 3 weeks ago, I was really bummed. Now, I know that they are in the Lord's will and that makes me happy. But I miss them!

So, Julie and I can easily keep up on things by cell phone and email, and we also both have a blog... hers is on my sidebar... Grammie Betimes! So we can share pictures and such. I just posted wedding pictures for her to see, and she has been posting pictures of her new apartment, the Denver area, Jack's sister, etc. It's been really cool.

But the very best thing was tonight! The church they attend has a live stream webcast of their services. SO... being 2 hours behind us here on the east coast, we came home from our evening service, and found an email from Julie with a link to the church's website. We clicked on it... it's only 7pm out there.... LOOK!!!! Service is going on RIGHT NOW! They have a fantastic choir, and the preacher is preaching along similar lines to the message we heard in Vermont this evening! The Holy Ghost is MOVING! Then suddenly, THERE'S JACK! Where's mom? THERE SHE IS! It is like being in service with them! It was exciting for us. :)

Back before the invention of the automobile, families stayed close. Now we are spread out all over the globe, but technology has made a way for us to "be there" nonetheless! It truly is a "small world". Thank you Lord for affording us the opportunity to worship you with the saints in Denver! YOU ARE GREAT, JESUS!!


Grammie Betimes said...

Praise the Lord! It was so fun talking with youlast night! Just showed Jack the pictures of Ruth's wedding. Technology is way cool. Now Jericho needs to do some video streaming so WE can see you all...achieved of course!
Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

That is way awesome! ☺

GinaMarie said...

I found your site off Sis. Sunshines. Thats awesome that your family can connect and communicate together now. :o) I would love to be able to get my mom a computer so we could do that also tho she isnt as far away (3 hrs). I'll check out your MIL's site and their church. My van is broke down so we dont get to go to church often and I LOVE to watch services online!! I love your blog. I just started mine and being a single mother of 4 boys I dont get to post on mine as much. I'll check back on yours again soon.