Friday, July 27, 2007

Battle weary

When I began this blog nearly 3 years ago, my purpose for doing so was to share what everyday life as an apostolic mom is like. Now... if you've been a regular reader, there have definitely been many more ups than downs. Sometimes I don't write about the downs, but that is not an accurate portrayal of life as a mom... apostolic or not! You show me a person who is PMA (positive mental attitude) 24/7/365, and I'll show you a single person. There is no such thing as a parent (esp. a mom) who has a perfect positive mental attitude every minute of every day of her life! Such is the case this evening. I will not even get into the ugly details here, because you really don't want to hear them. But it was ugly. What started out as a fun family trip out for a creamy turned into a horrible battle of the wills...replete with disrespect of major proportion, and angry words flying every which way. Life as a Christian mom is no easier than for any other mom. In fact, because the enemy does not appreciate us trying to raise Godly children, he attacks all the more, trying to cause division between the children and the parents. Tonight, when the heat of the battle was over, I got on my knees and bawled my eyes out to God (He understands that), and told Him I had NO IDEA what to do next. I am so glad that God doesn't turn His back on us in our time of need. I ran to my Father and cried in His arms, and He understood. THAT is the hope that Christianity gives us. I am so exhausted from this battle... please pray for our family tonight. It is really not foundation rattling... we have the Lord as our strength and our guide. We will definitely come out on the right side of this trial. But right now, I need peace. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." Thank you Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I completely understand Michelle! I know there are times when I can get pretty nasty..though I don't mean to. I picture Satan just standing there rubbing his hands together with a big 'ol cheezy grin on his face when I get like that..UGH!!

On a side note: what's a creamy?

Michelle said...

Hi Beth... so funny how things have different terms in different parts of the country! Like soda, pop, tonic, etc. A creamie is soft serve ice cream (fake ice cream, I call it). REAL ice cream needs to be scooped! LOL! I posted a response to your question, but I notice it's not there!!! It was there earlier! Blogger must be having issues! I'll post it again!
Michelle :-)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Prayers going up for you! Your boys just got the Holy Ghost...the devil always roars when we have great victory! I raised one son...easy until he turned 18 and then bammo! I think aliens took over his body and he more than made up for all the easy years! Shredded our hearts...but eventually things got better and God was so faithful through it all. Took that bad situation and made much good from it in spite of everything!
Just found your blog! God bless you!

Michelle said...

Hi Debby,
Welcome to my corner of the web! I went and read your blog for about 1/2 hour...wonderful! Hope that leg of yours is healing quickly in Jesus' name! Can't wait to hear about your trip to NM! Blessings to you!