Thursday, January 05, 2006

Retirement arrives!

Well! After 43 years of cutting hair at the barber shop, Ray has finally reached a well-deserved retirement! Congratulations, Ray! He wanted to slip out quietly, but no one else thought that was appropriate. SO, on his last day of work, after Channel 3 and Channel 5 news cameras came and went, Ray locked the door at 5pm only to have his family, friends, and long time customers show up with FOOD AND BEVERAGE to celebrate! This was also my MOM'S last day of work for the Dept. of Homeland Security (formerly known as INS). So when she walked into the barber shop, another rousing round of applause went up for her! Here are a few pictures:


I'M NOT sweeping the floor!

POLICE! Busted!

a bit of bubbly...

a toast

Bottoms up!

Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie

Patty, new co-owner of EX-Ray's

Tim chats with a long time customer of Rays

More police?

The grandkids playing with Trish's bucket of toys

Lots of goodies and good visit time for all

I'm kinda bummed that I did not think to get a picture of Trish and Patty, the shop's new co-owners, together. They are going to do a great job, I'm sure! We'll still go visit them for our haircuts!

My mom's retirement party is on Jan. 10th, and then she and Ray are hittin' the road! I'm so glad for them both! Retirement seems like a distant dream at this point in my life... but I know our time will come. Relax and enjoy, Mom and Ray! You both deserve it! I love you both! Happy Trails!

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