Okay. So up at camp, Adam started telling me "my ankle hurts". There was no sign of injury and he had no memory of injury. So I told him it's just because of all the walking around campus. We come home, and it hurts more, and there is a red patch over his ankle that is hard and hot. Off to the doctor's we go. They send us to the "urgent care" where we spend 6 1/2 hours. Guess what? It's fractured. He's been walking around on a fractured ankle for about 4 days. Here is a picture of him with his splint...
He's not too impressed. This means no Moo Gong Do for quite a bit. I guess he won't be testing for his yellow belt before school starts. Maybe October. We'll see. For now, we're just hanging out at home, resting the ankle. Hey, it will give him a chance to get caught up on his BREAD reading! Pray for a fast recovery for him. Talk to y'all later!
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