Adam had his own personal pentecost! He is now born of the Spirit, as Jesus tells Nicodemus in John 3:3-5, which is not a suggestion or a good idea, but a commandment from the Lord Jesus himself! You MUST be born again of the water (baptism) and the Spirit if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven. So, he will be talking with our pastor about being baptized very soon! Maybe even this weekend!!! If that is the case, any local readers who wish to see that happen should come to our church and check it out! My pastor's son Stephen received the Holy Ghost at almost the same time as Adam... it was powerful! This all took place during the concert... there wasn't even a preacher! The anointing of God was so strong in the concert that people just broke out in powerful worship, and God moved mightily! Thank you Jesus for saving my son!!! After that, he just became a praying machine for the rest of camp! Here are a few pictures....

Adam in light colored shirt, Stephen to his right.

Pastor's older son David on the left, and Adam praying for another boy

David, Adam, and Stephen praying for another boy

Adam, David, and Stephen (jr. campers) praying for a senior camper!
In fact, I did not hear one single report about any adults receiving the Holy Ghost this year. God moved specifically and purposefully in the YOUTH and CHILDREN! Adam, Stephen, and Jordan received it during the concert. The teens bound together in prayer as ONE and drew intimately closer to God and one another.

Jericho youth group gathered in prayer... one mind!

Every night, the altar area was PACKED with teens and young children praying, crying out to God, dancing before Him with all their might, full of the Joy and Victory of the Lord! They did some very serious spiritual warfare, and did some mighty devil stompin'!
We even had a sweet seven year old girl receive the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues in our precamper services in the gym! This is her as God is filling her and transforming her life!!! Praise God!!! Isn't it beautiful???

Now, in the midst of all that God was doing, we also had a TON of fun!!! Here are a few pictures as proof! These are the precampers that Jason and I work with each year (ages 4-8). This year we sang a fabulous song on the last night of camp called "Who is the king of the jungle? This is a picture of them up on the platform (being elephants).

If you want to hear a recording of the song they sang (which is hilarious), please click here. It's not the actual recording of them, but it is exactly how we sang it! We also added animal actions!

This is Adam and friend dressed up crazy for a skit during the Jr. Crusade.
The crusades were AWESOME FUN!!!! We sang so many fun songs from the "Super Strong God" CD by Hillsong kid's ministry. Click here to hear samples of the fun songs we sang! (Rainbow, One Way, Let your Light Shine, Jesus in my Life, I Believe in Jesus).

Here is Adam modeling his newest fashion hat made entirely of balloons.
You know who else had fun???? Sandi! Here is a picture of her (in the middle dressed in black) praise singing on Wed. evening.
Besides Adam and Stephen receiving the Holy Ghost, our local church also had some further excitement Wed. evening when our pastor's daughter Helene was chosen Senior Girls Camper of the year (for the second year in a row), and Matt and Emily's son Jared was chosen as the boys Precamper of the year!
Well, the fact that I just fell asleep on the kitchen table while typing this is very telling! I am totally exhausted! But it was worth it. Now, lest you think that Nick did not come, that is untrue. I just didn't get any pictures of him is all. If I get ahold of some from someone else, I will add them here to this post.
Good night for now, all! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!
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