
Wet and VERY happy!!

In case you are a reader who does not understand why baptism is an essential element of our salvation, here is a link that you can read for more understanding. All I can tell you, is that Jason and I are thrilled and rejoicing today at the goodness and faithfulness of God! Thank you Jesus!!
Congratulations!!! What an exciting day for ya'll!
I'm new to your blog and sometime if you don't mind I would like to ask you a question..or two.
In Him,
Hello Beth! Glad you found my little corner of the web. :) You ask me anything you want, and I'll do my level best to answer! God bless you!
Hey Michelle! Thanks for stopping by my blog..your welcome anytime! Once I get my garage sale done I will ask you that question that is puzzling me. I'm taking a break right now from going thru "stuff"..now the clutter that is sitting in my kitchen awaiting for the garage sale is driving me crazy!!
Hi Michelle, me again. I posted my question this morning and I don't see it..maybe it didn't go thru..I hope I didn't offend you in anyway..if I did I'm truly sorry. Please let me know if you got the question or if I should re-post.
Hey Beth... never saw a question... you posted it here? Try again! I'm not easily offended! :-)
I probably didn't click on the post button..I've been a scatter brain lately.
My question is: I have some basic understandings of your faith, but I'am stumped on speaking in tongues. I know that it's a gift but when I read in 1 Corinthians I see where Paul is saying in 14:27 that two or three at the most should speak, one at a time and there must be a interpreter there, if no interpreter is there then you should keep quiet. I have visited one UPCI church before and ALOT of people were speaking in tongues. So I'm confused about it. Any insight you can give would be wonderful!
Hi Beth- Take two! I typed you a response last night, but Blogger saw fit not to allow the post (grrr) so I will post it here AGAIN. :-)
In 1 Cor. Paul is addressing the chuch regarding the nine spiritual gifts God gave the church for the purpose of edifying the body of Christ. Tongues with interpretation is a gift where the Lord speaks through one or two people to give a specific message to the body for edification purposes. However, the baptism of the Holy Spirit that was poured out on the day of pentecost (and is still being poured out today) is different. God chose the evidence of speaking in tongues for that free gift to ALL people because it is a sign that we are totally surrendered to His control. The tongue is an unruly evil, the member of the body that is the LAST to surrender to God. Speaking in tongues is evidence to those around you that you are under the control of and filled with His Spirit. It is communication between you and God only. No one else is SUPPOSED to understand you! They only hear it as evidence that you are full of His Spirit and communicating with Him, spirit to spirit. Two very different purposes for speaking in tongues. So many people confuse them. If you want Bible verses to study it out on your own, please email me at shellziter@msn.com and I will be more than happy to give you all that you need to study it in your spare time. Hope this is helpful! Sorry it has been such a battle to get this to post... could be the enemy doesn't want you hearing the truth! Ha! Greater is He that is in me! Blessings to you, sister!
Beth, here are a few of the scriptures:
Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 10:44-48
Acts 19:1-6
John 3:3-5
Speaking in tongues in personal prayer
1 Cor 14:2-4 No need for interpretation... between you and God alone.
Speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift
1 Cor. 14:13-27 Not everyone receives all these gifts. Therefore not everyone receives the SPIRITUAL GIFT of tongues and interpretation.
The spiritual gifts in 1 Cor. 14 are given as the Lord sees fit. Speaking in tongues does not fit solely within the bounds of this chapter. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have, or if you need further scripture reference! :) Have a blessed day!!!
Hi Michelle, thanks for answering my question. I'm going to type or maybe print out your references and do a study on them.
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