Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Steeple Chase -pushing the limit

Greetings one and all! Today, Adam took on a unique challenge called the annual Moo Gong Do Steeple Chase. As in the famous horse racing, it is an afternoon/evening of 3 hour long MGD classes in a row, where the students go from school to school. The first class was in Shelburne and Master Allen worked them hard from the get go! They trained out in the field house where they did lots of running, kicking, and even an obstacle course! I don't mind telling you they all worked up a sweat! :)

Next, it was on to the Essex school, where JGN Allen gave them another major workout, complete with extended warmups, lots of sparring and double time hand techniques, and a cool down consisting of tight fist knuckle pushups and situps.

By the time they got to the South Burlington school, they were looking quite fatigued.... but Master Nerbak worked them hard with one steps and more sparring.

They ended with a sharing session about what it means to use MGD to "find yourself", which was an excellent discussion about using life's experiences to discover things about yourself you never would have known if you didn't have that particular experience. I am not sure Adam heard much of it... he was so wiped out that he looked as if he was totally "checked out" during the discussion! LOL!

This is Adam smiling because HE MADE IT!!!!!!
Those who participated in the steeple chase went out to Pizza Hut to celebrate surviving three grueling hours of workout.... they ate, let me tell you! Adam ordered a meat lover's pizza!

I am very proud of Adam... he's not sure he'll try it again next year, but he said perhaps once he is a black belt he'll give it another go. Even so, great job, my son!!!! (My guess is he will sleep until about 10 tomorrow! hee hee hee!)

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