Sunday, February 25, 2007


Ok... it would be real easy for me to complain my way through this post, as I am feeling absolutely wretched because of strep throat and a miserable head cold. BUT ... (see previous post... hee hee hee)
I will make an attempt to look at things in a positive light. First of all, I am married to the most wonderful husband in the world. Second of all, my boys are awesome. Third, I am in love with my Savior Jesus Christ, who took the punishment for MY sins. I love my church, I have a great pastor who isn't afraid to tell it like it is, and I am an American, living in a country where I have more food than I need, and the freedom to speak as I choose, freedom to worship Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth, I have a job, a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and a soft warm bed to sleep in. I am one of the most blessed people in the world! 99% of the population of Earth would give ANYTHING to have the blessings I have!

This is called encouraging yourself! I feel physically horrid, but in my spirit, I have peace and a spirit of gratitude to God.

Today, in my yuck-ness (yes, I made that up), I managed to rest in between each of my 7 loads of laundry, I got my taxes done (grrrrrrrr....), and since I missed my own church service this morning, I joined the Pentecostal Church in Memphis, TN online for their live service, which, by the way, was POWERFUL!!!! Bro. Huckabee preached about unity in the body, and also about the authority of the man of God behind the pulpit. Wow... God is amazing! I LOVE THE INTERNET when it is used for GOOD... to spread the gospel to a lost and hurting world. In addition to missing church, I also missed my little nephew's 4th birthday party *sniff*. Sorry buddy! I understand he is feeling quite under the weather as well.

Speaking of birthdays, today is the birthday of my sweet niece Sonja! I really miss her. She lives in FL. I called her this evening, but she was not home. I will write her a letter instead, I guess. Happy Birthday, Sweet Sonja!!!!

Tomorrow the boys and I are going to visit the Statehouse in Montpelier with the cub scouts. Hoping it will be interesting for them....... not boring.......

Well, I definitely need to go to bed. God is good! Ps. 150 says to praise Him according to His excellent greatness... not according to how you feel! I praise you Jesus because you are worthy of it! Good night to all!

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