Sunday, February 27, 2005


Well... my last post warned that youth week was upcoming. Youth week has come and gone, and I can honestly tell you that I have survived it yet again! Thank GOD it only comes around once a year! Having BARELY come out of having the flu, I dove in head first by baking like a mad woman for the bake sale. I made banana bread (2 loaves), brownies (1 pan), butterscotch chip cookies (5 dozen), Rice Krispie treats (2 dozen), and cupcakes (2 dozen). Then we went night sledding for 3 hours Monday evening. Tuesday was the bake sale (we made $141.50! YAY!), with DAYTIME sledding after that! Wednesday we went ice skating (with the tooth fairy... long story), and I ended up on the 6 o'clock evening news :( . Thursday, we went "driving for dollars", and made $55 (actually, Ali made $31 of that... she is amazing!). Thursday night, my husband took the boys night sledding at Casey's Hill in Underhill... they had a blast! Friday we went bowling, then to a bonfire. Now... Friday night there was a sleepover at church. I did NOT attend this, but I have to tell you that one of the girls had their underwear frozen solid in the freezer by a couple of culprits who will remain unnamed.... I understand they did not actually get to sleep until 4:30am, and were awake at 7:30! Can you say "TIRED"!??? So I imagine Saturday was spent sleeping by many of the youth. Not me! I cleaned the church then went to work from 2-11. Sunday (today), we closed out school vacation with not one, but TWO cousins' birthday parties! Trevor is 11, and had a pool party. Michael is 2, and had a BIG party at his house... he got a drum set... very cool!

As for me, I am totally exhausted. Why do they call this VACATION? I need a vacation to recover from my vacation! But my boys and the youth had a blast, and it kept them focused on what matters most... good, fun, Christian fellowship! It is FUN to be a Christian and live for Jesus Christ! We prove it every year! And every day! I wouldn't want to live any other way!

I will post again once I have regained my health and gotten fully rested! Blessings!

1 comment:

kellycoxsemple said...

OK, Meet-shell, you can't just quietly slip in a little mention of ending up on the evening news without any indication as to WHY you were there. Did it have to do with ice skating and the tooth fairy? Don't keep us in suspense! :-)