Saturday, February 19, 2005

Home with the flu

Wow... nothing like a good case of the flu to cause one to slow down and rest. I have gotten more than a weeks worth of sleep in the past 3-4 days. And I believe I could lie down and take a nap right now!

This week, I have learned the value of friends. It really is true that no man is an island, and that we cannot make it through this life alone. My friends are a treasure to me! I had one friend offer to take my oldest son for the afternoon, which turned into overnight, so I could rest. My next door neighbor took me to the doctor when I could barely breathe, and her husband watched my younger son and fed him pizza (which I'm sure he loved!). I had another friend offer to take my children to school. I could go on... so many friends who did the most loving thing you can do for someone... they PRAYED for me! I covet their prayers. My friends are the most wonderful people in the world!

Now we are embarking on a week of school vacation... that should give me plenty to blog about! Will be writing again soon!

Blessings to all!

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