Actually, there are only a few things to report on. First and foremost, my hubby preached away again last night in Rutland, and did a fantastic job. His message? I am not ashamed of who I am in Jesus! Was very encouraging and uplifting. :)
Second, we had a terrific time on Saturday at my mom's and Ray's camp. My sister and her family were up from Maine, and my brother and his family came up as well. It was fun to have the whole family together for a day. The kids all had fun playing, swimming, fishing, etc. The grown-ups had fun getting caught up on life in general. Family is so important. It is the building block of society. Families need to stay healthy. Without them, society falls apart.
Third, last week and this week is the trial of the man who shot and killed my son's second grade teacher two years ago. Here is a link to the live blog that is occurring from inside the courtroom. The guy is an amazing reporter. I do believe justice will be served. I have followed the trial very very closely this past week.
Finally, I got a new (new to me anyway) car!

No more Volvo... no more one-car family. We got an amazing is a 2000 Chrysler Cirrus with only 39,800 miles on it. Runs beautiful! Marty's prices are very reasonable... .here is his website if you want to check it out.
So, that is all for now. Time to take Adam to Moo Gong Do class. Sorry this post is not so exciting or spiritual or anything else like that.... I'll get back to you on these matters. Have a nice week everyone!
Just keep on keeping on Michelle. :)
Writer's Block is just one of those things that when it is time... it will end and then you will be a flurry with writing...
Nice car by the way. Marty is very reasonable. We would never have been able to get our car without him. :)
Hey girl! Love your new car! And his prices are reasonable too!
Thank-you for your concern and your prayers during my "down" time. I truly appreciate them.
I checked into our local apostolic church and quite honestly I'm taken back by the Pastor so I don't know if I'll be visiting there. I will keep reading Acts though! :o)
Love ya,
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