This quick post is to inform you that summer vacation is TOO LONG. My children are beginning to do the "I'm bored" thing, and expecting me to entertain them (not happening... when I was growing up, we entertained OURSELVES). I haven't had a paycheck in 6 weeks, and I need a part-time job. Fast. Here's what I think.... Since the children can't seem to handle more than 4 weeks off without wigging out... we should have 4 weeks off in July, 4 weeks off for the Christmas holiday, and 4 weeks off in March for spring break. The rest of the time, they should be IN SCHOOL! Period. That is Michelle's solution to everything. Then, I only miss two paychecks at a time. And everyone is happy. *sigh* I wish I could make it happen. Oh well. Only 29 days till school starts... only 22 days until I go back to work. YAY! I can't wait!
I hear where you are coming from... Mistaya has been at summer camp for 6 weeks thanks to my parents, but this is the final week.
The next 3 weeks are going to be really tough because she has been doing all of this fun stuff for so long that she is going to want to keep it going until school starts and we just don't have the funds.
Although I love your idea... I think that the families with 2 working parents would find it difficult to cover such a schedule. :)
God bless, Michelle! I hope that if nothing else that summer vacation will go by quickly for you. :)
Here in Indiana they have toyed with the idea of year-round school, but the teachers put up such a fuss about it so it's been put on the backburners for now.
Our public schools begin on August 13th here in the town we live in. I think every year they start earlier and earlier and go later and later(we have snow make-up days).
Only 28 more days to go now! ☺
Life is about choices...do I choose to be bored, or will I fill my day. Do I choose an occupation that leaves me without an income for 10 weeks, or do I entertain a career that pays 52 weeks a year. Education,perosnal committment, work ethics and self desire can make our life what we desire. We tell children they can be whoever and whatever they want if they work hard enough...we ALL can. Where do we put our priorities? God will provide...he gave us free will to make our own choices and a brain to work with.
Thanks for the attitude check, anonymous. :)
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