Okay. The purpose of this post is to "catch up" on various and sundry things I have been meaning to blog about, but haven't gotten around to it until now. Most of it is old news by now... but having it in my blog is still a requirement! But before we get started with old news, let me just tell you that this evening, my boys and I watched a movie called "Everybody's Hero" about Babe Ruth and the *cough* *gasp*... YANKEES... ACK! Did I just say that? It was so hilarious! I laughed so hard! Even if it was about the evil empire, it was a top notch movie! The BALL alone had me in hysterics!

Okay. Now on with the old news. First, the big fire that occurred here in town while we were in Arizona. My step dad is a newly retired barber (click here for pictures of his last day). He sold the shop to Patty and Trish, his co-workers for many years. Well... while we were at the Canyon, we got a phone call that the shop was on fire. Here is what it looks like now...

No one was hurt, but as you can see, this building will have to be torn down. *sniff* My brother was on scene as a senior firefighter, and he had a hard time watching the place burn. Ray was a barber in that shop for 43 years! My brother picked up some bricks to keep as souvenirs.
Next, we have pictures of the "fort" that Sandy and Adam decided to build in the back yard. I helped. But it's all Sandy's fault! LOL!!! Here are a couple pictures of the great green fort!
It was totally hilarious to build, because that tarp is 20' x 40', and it was so windy (about 15-20 mph winds), I thought we were going to just be picked up and blown away! LOL! Believe me, that thing is tied down tight!! Now, if they would just play in it, we'd be all set! sigh
Um... I can't think of anything else right now. OH! Wait... we are hatching baby chicks in our classroom, and it's pretty fun and exciting. Our projected hatch date is May 22nd, so I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to post here.
That is definitely all for now. I'm totally beat. Thanks for reading my ramblings-on. Good night all!
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