and had a house full of children to boot (one is still here sleeping over!), not to mention all the excitement and drama of the fire trucks across the street. But I can't sleep. I am reading a book, an autobiography of Joel Sonnenberg, and it is amazing. He is an incredible miracle of God. And he has me thinking (which is never good at this time of night). It has me thinking about what I have contributed to this world in my life, and what God's ultimate purpose for my life really is. My pastor preached an EXCELLENT message Sunday morning about THORNS. Yep, the cares of this life... the busy-ness that distracts us from doing what God's will is for our life. Now, I don't deny that God's will for me right now is to raise up our sons to be Godly men who will serve the Lord with their life, and also to be a helpmeet to my wonderful husband. But what else? What is He preparing me for? I feel like I have been incredibly slack in my service to Him, having won only one soul to the Lord in 14 years, and that person is not serving God today. I feel like something in my Christian life is not quite right... but I don't know how to pinpoint it. Hmmm. Maybe some sleep will do my brain good. And prayer. In that order. My pastor says sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is sleep. Amen. I'll go give it a try.
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