Also, we had the torch runners for the VT Special Olympics come by the school, and we all stood out in the parking lot with signs, clapping and encouraging all the runners. Then, to make things a little more interesting, at noontime, our septic system decided to overflow, and every toilet in the school backed up! True story! They called and had THREE... count 'em ... THREE porta potties delivered for 300 students and staff. It was hectic, but we got through it!
Fast forward to this moment in time.... I was sitting here just a few minutes ago, chatting on the phone and playing a game of sudoku on the computer, when suddenly I saw a furry little rodent run down my hallway FROM the boys room INTO my bedroom. AHHHHH! My husband is on duty at Rescue tonight until 6 am... so he's not here to protect and comfort me, AND... the one night I could have the whole bed to myself to sprawl out????? THERE'S A MOUSE IN THERE!!!! How unfair is that???? I hate mice! I do the classic stand on a chair and screech thing. I am therefore sleeping on my couch tonight. I'm so glad there are no mice in heaven! Or spiders, or snakes, or ....... OOOO! I just got a great idea! Have you seen those new commercials for MasterCard, where you can write your own "priceless" commercial?? Here's the one I would submit...
Pet Hamster: $8.00
Pet Tarantula: $50.00
Pet Boa Constrictor: : $300
Going to heaven where there are no mice, spiders, and snakes: PRICELESS!
Yep... that's the one I'd send in!
Well... I'm not sure how well I'll sleep knowing there is a mouse in my house, but I should at least TRY to go to sleep... on the couch... grrrr. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning....... me. Thank you Jesus.... I don't know WHY, but thank you. I know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are the called according to HIS purpose... I'm not sure how this mouse thing works for the good or what His purpose is concerning it, but I just have to trust Him. Pray for me not to have a heart attack if that thing runs across my feet in the middle of the night!!!! If he does, I'll have the big one, and I'll be shouting on the hills of glory! TTYL.... maybe....
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