Saturday, June 07, 2008

The volvo is no more...

Yes, it's true. Cars are inherently evil. A "necessary" evil... which is really an oxymoron, because evil is not necessary in the life of a Christian. However, life happens. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. I blew up my car today. I fried it. It overheated to the point of boiling... and I just can't put one more dime into this wretch of a car. It has a dozen things wrong with it... but it's one redeeming grace was that it still ran. Past tense. It no longer runs. Let's see...
  • The odometer doesn't work
  • the a/c has never worked since I bought it
  • the heat works when it wants to (which is usually not when it's -10 degrees)
  • the trac braking system is failing, which is a scary feeling when it slips, and you want to STOP
  • the radiator has sprung a big fat leak
  • The gas tank cover fell off the car
  • the side is smashed in from hitting a deer at 50 mph, so door opens hard
  • the power seat adjuster on the driver's side doesn't work properly
  • the seat warmers (although a luxury I could definitely do without) do not work
  • the stereo has a short in it, and when you try to adjust the volume, it just turns off
  • the speaker covers just won't stay on anymore
  • it is rusting everywhere!
  • the back hatch doesn't stay open unless you hold it open... otherwise it crashes down on your head while you're trying to get the groceries out of it.
  • It is almost 15 years old and just plain tired and ready to give up the ghost. Heck, in 5 more years, it will qualify as an antique!
So, that is the story. This is going to be a most difficult summer logistically. I was going to work part time OPPOSITE my husband because we can't afford a sitter for the kids. But with only one vehicle... that will not work. Please pray for us... we really need a break. We need an inexpensive used car... in a hurry.


Anonymous said...

Our van needs a new transmission and I keep telling my hubby we should just be Amish,lol.

Anonymous said...

oh my! I will pray for you sister! I've been in your shoes and know how it feels to have the car give up the ghost at just the wrong time!

Michelle said...

I've considered buying a horse...LOL!

kellycoxsemple said...

A horse might be more expensive than a used car! It's summer... where's your bicycle? :-)