White, Yellow, Orange, /Green, Purple, Blue, /Brown, 2nd Red, 1st Red, BLACK.
He really loves doing this art, and is very good at it. Notice the slashes dividing the ranks into jr. belt, intermediate belt, and senior belt. Adam is now in the senior belt division. More is expected. Curriculum and testing become more difficult. Rank advancement slows down a bit. Once he moves from brown to 2nd red, he essentially "starts over", going through ALL curriculum again from white on up to brown. Then they receive 1st red, and begin working on a black belt project, and preparing to travel to CA to test under Grand Master Kim to receive their black belt. These are exciting times! Here are some pictures from this round of testing (Thur.), and from the belt ceremony which was this morning.

Adam sparring with Juliette

Extreme air during sparring! (I believe I can fly......)

Ready stance in front of head table during testing.

Adam receiving his certificate from Master Allen for brown belt.

Adam receiving his brown belt rank.

Looking good there, Mr. Senior Belt! Woo hoo!

Group photo of all who tested this cycle.

The 3 musketeers, as I like to call them... this is Patrick, Adam, and Stephen. They all started about the same time (Adam is senior of the 3....) and have advanced in rank together since the beginning. It's been cool to watch them all grow together!
Thanks for sharing in the excitement with me! I am very proud of my son. BTW, his first HOLY GHOST birthday is in NINE DAYS! How cool is that? Talk to you all soon!
Congratulations to Adam! Strong work young man! Let us know well in advance when the California thing will be and perhaps we can do a family camping thing...now wouldn't that be cool!
Much love to you
Grammie and Grandpa Jack
Congratulations to Adam! :) Woot!Woot!
I am more and more impressed by Adam. As a mom of two younger boys, I am very glad that they will have a role model like Adam to look up to. He is so gentle and patient with Max. I am very thankful that Adam is there for him.
Also, During Sunday morning service I noticed that the drums had stopped. I glanced up to see Adam with his hands raised worshiping his God! What a beautiful sight!
Congrats Adam!
That is so cool!
p.s. I think we were in a town called Williamstown..I will have to look at the map. I love the east coast, everything is so green and I love the mountains! But I was ever so happy to come back home..absence makes the heart grow fonder ya know. I need to finish up the pictures on my camera and then get them posted, but in the meantime I do plan on doing a post of my vacation...some amusing things happened!
Love ya!
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