Group photo in the quarry

George and Laurel

Jason and I

Julie and sons

Family.... it is the most important thing next to God. I love spending time with my family. Thank you Lord for blessing me with the fantastic family I find myself in!!! You are so good to me!
Shell, you are an awesome part of this family and one that truly shines. I am so bountifully blessed, thank you so much for this wonderful blog!
Your profile states that you were not introduced to Jesus until you moved to VT and was 25 years old. I accept your perception of your Christian life. I have read this over and over again and have kept my thoughts about this to myself. At the age of 3 mos., you were baptized in the Christian faith. As a child, you were taken to Sunday School where I participated as a teacher in your Christian training. Your father and I were leaders in our church's youth organization which interacted with other church youth groups. We studied and learned the ways of Jesus' teachings. This may not have been the demonination of Christian faith that you later chose to continue with, but in my eyes and heart you were introduced to Jesus. Maybe YOU weren't ready to invite Him into your heart then. I am grateful to a loving and gracious God who has been patient and waited for you to opened your heart to Him. Jesus can be accepted in the lives of His children in many ways and He is a loving God to all His children. I needed to say that. Thanks for listening. MOM
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