Here the Webelos IIs are listening to the boy scouts describe what will be expected of them as they cross into the troop...

One thing they had to do was remove their Webelos insignia (neckerchief and colors) to receive the boy scout ones.... here are the "left behind" neckerchiefs...

Here is Adam, crossing over the bridge...

receiving his rank as an official boy scout.

They also received an arrowhead around their neck as a symbol of passing through the arrow of light...

Here they are!!!! The new additions to the troop!

Of course, Nicolas made rank this evening as well. He and all the boys in his den received their Bear badge tonight... way to go! Nick and Adam also received their awards for completing the God and Me/God and Family program. The medallions are lost in the US Mail system somewhere..... if they ever show up, we'll have a ceremony at church to award them.

It was a fun evening, full of LOUD SINGING, and generally loud noise like only cub scouts can make! Sandy was on hand for the events of the evening.... thanks Sandy for supporting your little brothers! They loved having you there!
We now return you to our regularly scheduled spiritually minded blogging.
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