One thing I am doing this year as I read my B.R.E.A.D. is writing down thoughts and questions I have as I read. (DUH!). I know, it's a no brainer. But I have never done it! So, here are the things written on my list of "things to study" thus far:
1. Does the laying on of hands "require" you to speak? Is the power in the words spoken, or in the obedience of the act of laying on of hands? Or both? Or neither?Do a study of all accounts of this act.
2. Peter's progression as a healer in the book of Acts...
- Acts 3:6 But Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee... in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."
- Acts 9:34 Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you! Get up and make your bed!"
- Acts 9:40 Peter asked them all to leave the room, then h e knelt and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, "Tabitha, GET UP!"
Very intriguing.... increased confidence and boldness... and the name of Jesus is missing in the third one....
3. Pre-incarnate Christ? John 17:5 is a verse that causes me to wonder...
5 Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began.
I'm looking into this because a few months ago, my pastor blew my theology out of the water concerning the Oneness of God... so I must study this out. I am convinced that God is ONE... totally! I just need to be able to understand this concept for myself. I am a Berean Christian!
4. Study Lev. 21:18-23. If Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and if Malachi 3:6 is true (I am the Lord, I change not), then how can this be?
18 No one who has a defect qualifies, whether he is blind, lame, disfigured, deformed, 19 or has a broken foot or arm, 20 or is hunchbacked or dwarfed, or has a defective eye, or skin sores or scabs, or damaged testicles. 21 No descendant of Aaron who has a defect may approach the altar to present special gifts to the Lord. Since he has a defect, he may not approach the altar to offer food to his God. 22 However, he may eat from the food offered to God, including the holy offerings and the most holy offerings. 23 Yet because of his physical defect, he may not enter the room behind the inner curtain or approach the altar, for this would defile my holy places. I am the Lord who makes them holy.”
Some verses of Scripture are just hard....
Also written on my list of things to study is not a study topic, but an observation:
As I sit here reading the book of Leviticus, wondering why in the world I'm reading all this ceremonial law stuff, I am also reading a book my pastor gave me called "Living a Joyous Life" by Rabbi David Aaron. The Levitical laws are so boring and ritualistic - Rabbi Aaron talks about his negative feelings toward Judaism and how it kept him from enjoying being one of God's chosen people. God knew when the time would be right for me to pick up this book and benefit from it. He does this over and over for me. Hinds' feet in High Places is another book that I had for months before I was able to read it... and when I did, I grew exponentially in the Spirit! Also, the Cross and the Switchblade was another book that I held onto for a while before being able to read it, and the timing was PERFECT in my life when I finally DID read it. I love the Lord! He takes care of me.