Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Cheerful heart is good medicine

Ever had one of those nights where you just laugh and laugh till it hurts? This evening, my husband and I watched clips of Bill Cosby on and just roared! We listened to our old favorites, like Noah, and Revenge (jr. barnes... you gunkie!), the dentist (smuboke! Fiber!). Then we watched the one on natural childbirth and I just died, because I haven't heard it since having that experience myself. Oh LORD, it was so funny! My friend Sandy was here, and had never heard any of these (she's young, I'm dating myself). The one on childbirth freaked her out and she declared "ABSTINENCE!!!!! LOL!!!!! It was so funny!!! Laughter is so good for the soul! Go rent a good comedy video, like Ken Davis, and have a good hearty laugh today! To see clips of Ken Davis, go to his website at .

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