Is my life perfect? FAR FROM IT! We absolutely have our issues. But when I look around and see marriages crumbling all around me, it breaks my heart, and causes me to love my husband even more deeply. Sometimes I love to look back at my wedding photos and just remember how "in love" we were on our wedding day... and remember why I fell in love with him in the first place! My husband is a hopeless romantic... it's kinda cool! My husband adores our boys.... that is VERY cool! My husband loves JESUS, and there is absolutely NOTHING cooler than that!

Some of the contents of this blog cause concern. I cannot share my thoughts here. Once I stop and "think", I choose to Let go and Let God! It is not my job, or yours, to judge others.
There was only one perfect human and He was curcified!
Hello anonymous. I am sorry you found the truth offensive. I usually don't edit what is truth, but I can still convey the same message the way it is updated. Hope you will continue to read! Because all my posts for the past 3 years portray real life and the goodness of God.
PS Regarding your statement about judging others, it is NOT wrong to judge. John 7:24 says (Jesus himself speaking): "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement." Jesus commands us to judge righteous judgement. Clearly a judgemental attitude is not right, but righteous judgement is.
I am that husband ... and I am truly blessed with the WONDERFUL women that God gave me! I tell her and I tell everyone, our relationship started before we even met. I heard some teaching on "Focus on the Family" one time about the importance of praying for the wife or husband who you're going to marry. What talents and traits do you want your loved one to have? I prayed for someone who is loving, caring, musically talented, can sing and most of all LOVES GOD! She is that and is SO much more. I love you! oh yeah, and if she wants to blog about me ... she's actually giving all the credit to God :)
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