The boys were so blown away by not only getting to MEET Ken, but have their picture taken with him and get his autograph. It was fun! There was an opening act... a local singer named Steve Lindholm who is a children's entertainer, and he got the WHOLE audience involved... including some of our own...

Jason got recruited to stage with this girl (I forget her name) to do a little baseball stunt...

And then Nick was called up to finish off that skit. He was a really funny guy! There were about 800-900 people there, and proceeds from the evening benefitted the Union Baptist Christian School in Waterford, VT. There were also many children who picked up sponsors through Compassion International. It was an evening to celebrate and bless children.
We are blessed here in VT to have these kinds of great family activities and opportunities to have fun and see Jesus lifted up. Thank you Jesus!
1 comment:
WOW with a capital W O W!!! I am so glad you all went to the concert/show. What an awesome experience...and the pictures are great! Thanks for the sharing...keep up the good work of promoting the GOOD NEWS! God bless you.
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