You know... technology and email are wonderful things, but there is just something about going to your mailbox... I mean the outdoors one, and finding something in there other than bills and junk mail advertisements. I know you all feel the same way! There's just something about a hand-written note from someone you love.... like these fabulous folks from Florida! This is the wonderful lady responsible for introducing me to Jesus Christ, and her terrific husband who spent many many months teaching me Bible studies to get me rooted and grounded in the TRUTH of God's Word. And of course, my two fabulously special nieces! Is this an awesome picture or what????? This was the treasure I found in my outdoor mailbox today (along with all the holiday junk mail). But wait! That is not all! There is another picture to go along with it...

Isn't it terrific?? Black and white is so....
sophisticated. It is perfect. This is Sonja (older) and Monique. And Aunt Shell loves them dearly! Please note the copyright so that the proper folks get the proper credit for a job very well done. :-)
I also happen to know that my mom just sent me a package full of pictures from their new home in Florida, complete with a long list of people to share said pictures with. Can't wait to see them!!!! Perhaps I will include one or two of them in an upcoming post as well.
You know... thinking about finding the love of family and friends in the mailbox, I have yet to pick out my Christmas cards for this year, let alone begin writing them out and mailing them..... yikes! I am running out of time! Guess I better get on it. Got lots of love to send through the mail this holiday season!
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