Hmmmm..... what words of wisdom can I post tonight, at 11:35 pm?
Well... here is how my day unfolded. First - amazing church service. My pastor is totally in tune with the Spirit of God, because every time I turn around, other pastors are confirming what he preaches in their own messages. This morning, he wrapped up his message on spirituality, which was deep and thought provoking, and excellent. Then the boys and I headed home to finish homework and housework (that's kind of funny, now that I have typed it...). While folding laundry, we watched Bro. Lee Stoneking give his testimony about being raised from the dead, and even though it was my third time hearing him preach it, I was still in total awe! Jason had not listened to him give the testimony before, and being the medical professional that he is, he was blown away by the overwhelming evidence of God's miraculous power! If you are interested in hearing this story for yourself, go to www.tpcmemphis.org, click on the message dated 9/17/06, and then forward through the beginning of the service to his message. I'd love to tell you how many minutes into the service he speaks, but their server seems to be off-line right now, so I'll have to come back and update this post later. It is at LEAST 45 minutes in... probably more. Anyway, it got my older son's attention, and he was really drawn in by it. Praise God! Actually, here is a link you can use to LISTEN to the testimony without video... http://www.brownfloyd.com/gallery/displayimage-search-0-2.html
Next, my husband and boys went swimming at the Edge, and I attempted to do my Oct. church attendance reports on the computer. While creating the Oct. visitor record, I inadvertantly hit SAVE instead of SAVE AS... and over-wrote my Sept. visitor document! AHHHH! So I have some work to do....
Finally, we went to Ben and Stacy's place to welcome Julie home from Chicago, and to celebrate Laurel's 25th birthday. We had so much fun and laughed so hard we cried! I love our family! Julie called us Sat. evening from the top of the Sears tower... that was totally cool!
My husband and I ended our day by lying down and talking about the goodness of God, our upcoming revival services with evangelist Jay Stirnnamen,
and people who haven't been to church in a LOOONG time, whom we need to reconnect with and love them back to God. We talked about the strength of the youth, past and present, and how this youth group can be strong for those who are struggling. I love my Jesus. He has been nothing but good to me and my family. When I got saved 14 1/2 years ago, my family wrote it off as just another one of my extreme fads. They told me, "Every thing you do, you do to the extreme. This is the same thing. It will pass, and you'll find something else to give your attention to." But they didn't understand... this was different. This was life changing! This was the God who created everything, coming to live inside of ME! They don't know my God. Yeah, they know ABOUT Him, but they don't KNOW Him the way I do. When I was baptized in his Spirit, speaking in another tongue, completely submitted to Him, I was completely changed... a new creation. That just doesn't happen by saying, "I'm sorry for my sins, please forgive me and come into my heart." POOF! I'm saved! I'm a Christian now! Man, when someone is born again of the Spirit, you KNOW IT, because the change is totally apparent right away!
My husband's screen saver says something profound... it says, "The greatest ignorance is to reject that which you know nothing about." Wow. If I'd rejected the born again experience just because I didn't know anything about it, I'd still be lost, probably still drinking, still doing the bar scene, probably married to an alcoholic... THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY NEW LIFE IN YOU! I LOVE YOU! YOU MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME! We sing an old hymn... it goes like this...
Where would I be? You only know.
I'm glad you see through eyes of love.
A hopeless case, an empty place, if not for grace.
My other favorite old hymn goes like this...
Only one life, so soon it will pass.
Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one chance to do His will.
So give to Jesus all your days, it's the only life that pays
When you recall you have but one life.
I wouldn't trade this life I live now for ANYTHING! There is NOTHING this world can offer me that even comes CLOSE to comparing to the glory I will inherit on the day He comes for me! Come soon Lord Jesus! (He wasn't just a man, He was Lord and King, the Savior of the world, He was deity, His name is Jesus, this man from Galilee).
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