Mrs. Shanks
Here is a copy of his class picture two years ago.

Today we had a really neat thing happen. We knew the burial service was going to take place on the road directly across the street from our house. So, the kids in our building decided to make a GIANT sign (the one posted just before this post). We put it up, and waited. The funeral procession came by, and the children and parents from our building stood respectfully on the side of the road watching. Many of the family members waved to the children. I don't think any of them saw the sign, because it was back a bit from the road where we were standing. When it was over, we went inside. It got dark outside. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door of our building. It was Mrs. Shanks' sister and her husband. They were leaving the cemetary, and at the stop sign were facing directly toward our building. The outside light was on behind the sign, illuminating it like a spotlight. They were so moved. They stopped and asked us if they could HAVE the sign! They wanted to present it to the family at the gathering they were headed to. The children were surprised. They had never met Mrs. Shanks' sister. And here she was giving them hugs... it was like they were being hugged one last time by Mrs. Shanks herself! How neat! For ME, it brought closure and healing. Hopefully it did some of that for the children as well. Anyway, I just HAD to share that. I think I will sleep peacefully tonight. Thanks for reading my blog... it makes me feel like I am connecting with people. In this terribly DIS-connected society, that is just so vital! Feel free to leave me comments anytime! Good night! :)
What a wonderful blessing and what a wonderful surprise when I saw this precious sign made by Mrs. Shanks adoring students on the front page of the Burlington Free Press the morning following her funeral. She is still guiding and teaching all of us. May God bless her spirit, family, friends and students. Mrs. Shanks was one of God's angels here on earth. She will be missed!
I read you last few postings. Thanks you for share the story. We may never know on this side of heaven exactly what a blessings our children are! I am pray for you guys! Thanks for being a friend! I Love You, Rebecca
Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about Mrs. Shanks. What a horrible thing for any person, family, and community to go through. How difficult it must be for Adam to comprehend. I know it's hard for ME to comprehend, and I didn't even know her. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Wow, what an awesome blog. You're the best baby! I love you! ME
Hi Michelle,
This is Gina S. I have been reading your blog for about a month now. They have been very up lifting. I am sorry for what has happened the last week. It is a shame that an innocent life is taken from us for some one elses stupidity. Tell Jason, Adam and Nick Hello from us. Casey and Ryan started school today. I was very nervous. Casey started high school and Ryan start middle school. I am not ready for this. All the children are growing so fast. Well have a great day. Talk later.
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