I had a dream last night.
I was at church. We had a huge name evangelist at our church from down south. Nobody came. Our baptistry was not in the back, but it was in the front foyer, against the wall just to the right of the door into the sanctuary. I was so distraught that no one was there. I climbed into the tank (why? I have no clue). I sat there for a minute, then threw myself back in the water, and came up yelling, "HOW CAN WE REACH THEM? HOW CAN WE REACH THEM? There are BILLIONS of people LOST in this world, and you are on the verge of returning for your church. They won't even come to these services! How can we reach them?" Then the room started to spin, and I blacked out. Then I woke up. Crying. I prayed. Lord, I can't even reach my family and friends. How can we reach the whole world before you get back? It will have to be a divine move of the Lord to reach this many people.
At our life group leader's meeting Wednesday night, we spoke about boldness. One thing we all agreed to do was to invite a friend to come to church with us this Sunday. It is Saturday. Have I done it? NO! I need an infusion of Holy Ghost boldness like I've never had before! I need the courage to just DO IT!! Tell them! Invite them! My husband borrowed a line from Bro. Jeff Arnold, and put it on his screen saver on his laptop. It says:
The greatest ignorance is to reject that which you know nothing about.
People want nothing to do with God and church and religion, but if they really knew....
I have this incredible fear. It is the fear of standing with the Lord on judgement day. Standing there all safe behind his throne, knowing I am entering heaven for all eternity. And all the lost are coming before the throne one at a time... and my family and friends and co-workers, and neighbors, and acquaintances all see me standing there, and scream at me, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???????" I can reply one of two ways... 1. "I tried, but you wouldn't listen. You rejected my message of hope and truth and called me a religious freak." 2. "I'm sorry. I allowed fear of rejection to stop me from telling you."
God, please please give me a boldness that does not recognize fear. The scripture says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind." It also says that perfect love casts out fear. So many people call themselves Christians, but have not experienced the process of being born again that the Bible says is REQUIRED to enter in to the kingdom of heaven. It says that they will have a "form" of godliness but DENY the power thereof. Most Christian denominations will tell you that all you have to do is believe on the Lord and confess with your mouth, and you are saved. That is baloney! Because the Bible says that even the demons believe and tremble, and it also says that the demons, when Jesus walked the earth, said, "We know who you are... you are the Son of God." And Jesus told them to shut up and come out of the person they were tormenting. So just believing and confessing means that even the demons can be saved, which we know is not true. If this is tugging at your heart, and you recognize that this is your condition, please do not continue to reject that which you do not know. FIND OUT what this power is that will get you into heaven. It is called the power of the Holy Ghost. You will never ever regret experiencing this great truth for yourself! I know I am not perfect, and I have things about my life that still need changing (surrendering). But I know where I stand with God. My salvation experience lines up with the Word of God, and that is what we will be judged by on the day of judgement. Does your relationship with God line up with John 3: 3-5 and Acts 2: 38? Does it line up with the whole Word? Seek Him while He may be found! His return is very very close. Jesus said to his disciples... the one sign to look for regarding his return would be when the fig tree puts forth it's leaves. Jesus always was referring to the nation of Israel when he talked of fig trees. He was pointing to the day when Israel became a nation. May 15, 1948. He said when that happens know that I am very near... even at the door. It's been almost 60 years. He said "This generation shall not pass until all has been fulfilled." A generation . What is that? 60? 70 years? He is AT THE DOOR... waiting to take His bride, the church, home to the place he has been preparing for us for 2,000 years. COME LORD JESUS!