In the mean time, let me give you sort of a "tour" through the week.

This is the gym where we set up the precampers "Treasure Island". We had lots of fun "discovering the riches of Christ".

These are our precampers (minus my husband) :( But Candice and Karl were a total blast to work with! We also had Br. and Sis. Davis come out of retirement to give us a hand. We had a great time!

This is the precamper display table we set up in the lobby the last night of camp. It gave us a chance to show everyone what we had been doing all week! T-shirts, giant mural, keychains with all our treasure hunt clues, and treasure chests covered with jewels and filled with treasures dug up in the sandbox! What fun!

Wed. night, our sweet little precampers worshipped God and had lots of fun making a melody in their hearts! Thumbs up!!!! Everyone enjoyed it, even the Dist. Sunday School director and Dist. Superintendent, who were given crowns, and invited to join in the fun with us!

Here are our "precampers of the year" - Hannah, Makayla, Joseph, and Jacob!

This was Adam's first year as a junior camper. WOW! It's a whole different ballgame when you leave precampers and become one of the juniors! I think it was just as difficult a transition for MOM as it was for Adam. He stays with his counselors the whole time, and sleeps with the junior boys in his own dorm and everything! I sure missed him! Here he is sporting some cool "dredlocks" that he borrowed from Bro. Rubinate, one of the crusade teachers. They did lots of cool stuff when they weren't in services, like water fights, frisbee wars, dodge ball, bowling, etc. There was never a dull moment, and those boys were EXHAUSTED!

This is Bro. Burke, one of the Junior boys counselors... need I say more?

Adam and I took advantage every chance we got to fit in a hug and squeeze when we saw each other at the evening services! We missed each other a lot!

The junior choir was AWESOME!!! They sang a song called "We Worship You", and brought the congregation to their feet! If I can ever figure out how to post a video of them singing, I'll do it later! They sang their camp crusade song TWICE, and the place went crazy! Every single person in the auditorium was really into it!

Sis. Griggs - I love this woman! And she has a special place for Adam in her heart! She is such a tremendous woman of God! The juniors (and everyone else) had a BLAST in her crusade services!!! I love the Rainbow song!

Now... lest it seem like Nick is left out here, I want you to know that he and I were PLENTY busy all week! After precampers, he and I would go to lunch, then hang out and play pool or foosball, then go to the junior crusade, then go to dinner, then get ready for church, and after church we usually went and hung out at the snack bar till after midnight. Phew! That boy was totally wiped out! But we had a great time! I just didn't bring my camera to all the "down times" during the day. But this picture is of Nick standing by the little pond near the cafeteria.

These are the junior campers of the year! The boy was our Burlington pastor's son, Paul Gene!! YAY Paul Gene! We're so proud of you!

THIS is OUR pastor's daughter, Helene, receiving the senior girls camper of the year trophy! GREAT JOB, HELENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is our pastor, WITHOUT hair, receiving his recognition plaque for his years of service as the District Sunday School director. You should have seen him the night he had hair.... it was SCARY!!!!

And last but certainly not least is my excellent friend Sandy, otherwise known to my boys who love her as the Great Sandini! She took Nick to the annual Senior boys vs. Pastors softball game. It was an excellent game, with the senior boys getting the trophy for the second time in a row! Score: 24-23. VERY close! The pastors all needed to get prayed for that night for healing! LOL! Just kidding, although they definitely admitted to being pretty sore.
Our evening preacher was Bro. Jay Stirneman, from the MA/RI district. His preaching was VERY powerful! We had deep moves of God every night at the altar, and God spoke to many many hearts through his preaching. Wow. I missed the day time teaching, because I was working with the precampers, but I hear that Bro. Scotty Teats was phenomenal! I want to hear his message regarding your relationship with your pastor. Everyone said that message was incredible!
Well, that is all I have for now. We had fun... we missed Jason... and our family won't be the same without Gram. Thanks for sharing in the virtual fun!
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