Then, it was off to Little League opening day ceremonies. The weather couldn't have been more perfect!!! What a gorgeous day! Here are the team pictures as well as individual shots of each...

Nick's t-ball team, the Rough Riders!

Adam got to perform catcher duties today... doesn't he look cool?

Here is Adam's whole team... the Cincinatti Reds.

And here is a shot of Nick ready for action!
It was a great day! Tomorrow it is BACK TO SCHOOL! I need a break from vacation! Just kidding, I love being able to hang with my boys! Only 33 days of school left this year! Yee Ha! Then, it's on to a busy and exciting summer, filled with such things as Cub Scout camp, church camp, and 2 weeks of swimming lessons! Summer always goes by waaaaaaaaaay too fast! Before ya know it, Adam will be a 4th grader *gasp* and Nick will be a 2nd grader (can it be true?). It kills me how fast they grow up. I was watching Adam's baby videos this week, and I remember it all like it was yesterday. Wow.....
Well, gotta go! See ya soon!