Hello all! I confess I have not been faithful to this blogging thing lately. I figured out why on Wednesday night. Pastor mentioned something about a "creative slump" during the Wednesday evening Bible study, and I just KNEW that was where I was! I talked with him after service, and he told me that I need to lighten up and have some FUN with this blog. Stop trying to be so serious! So... I have created a little collage of pictures from the pinewood derby last weekend, and here are my two very handsome sons with this year's creations! And with the tropheys, I might add. :) *brag brag* *shameless boasting* going on here! So, lightening up is not something easily done, but I know I am able. The other night before my husband left for a aconference, we spent a couple hours talking, and I was in such a giddy mood, I just giggled and laughed like I haven't done in a very, very long time! It was a blast! The Bible says "a cheerful heart is good medicine" (Prov. 17:22). How true it is! I felt sooooo much better after all that laughing! What a wise God we serve! He knows something that us dumb humans are too stubborn to grab hold of... the cares of this life choke the joy out of our lives... no laughter.... the second half of the above mentioned verse says "But a crushed spirit dries up the bones." That is exactly where Satan wants us... steals our joy and laughter, and our spirits dry up and die. We need a revival of JOY in our lives! Well, at least I do. So, I will try harder to make this a fun place to come! Thanks for not giving up on me! Lata!
PS... for a few good laughs, go to www.kendavis.com and listen to some of his comedy. He is an awesome and hysterical christian comedian... give him a listen! To get to the audio clips, just click on the "PRODUCT" tab, then click "audio". On the right hand side are links to many of his comedy CDs... many of them (but not all) have short audio clips on them you can listen to!
1 comment:
Pastor says:
Great job Michelle! And, in the process of having fun you will inpart spiritual things to others.
Also, your creativity will return and you'll also write "serious" blogs too.
Trust me, it will all come together. I've faced the same creative slump before, but it doesn't last forever!
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