This is Adam with his "whittling chip" card which he earned last month... now he is "licensed to carve" with a jacknife. How scary is that? Just kidding! He's really safe with it. Adam also won 4 tickets to the movie theater. Yay!

This is Nick with his cool headband and red feather. He got his Tiger Badge (the little orange patch in his hand). He also won a bowling party for 6 people! Cool! The lunch box is holding his yet-to-be-made pinewood derby car. Let the fun begin!

I promise, to do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, to help other people, to be kind to my brother, and to obey the law of the pack.
Adam is not happy that I "added" in that little line about being kind to your brother... it's not part of the real cub scout oath.... But I think it should be! LOL!
Anyway, today is a clean the house day.... yuck. We have a "Go-See-It" to a local radio station this afternoon, and the "boys" (daddy and children) are going to the POOL to go swimming! Fun!
Tomorrow is the Daytona 500! I don't have a favorite to cheer for, but everyone else in the family does. We have some #24 fans, and a #8 fan. I am not sure. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I have to go tend to the mountain of dishes in my sink. Have a great day!
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