Anyway, I'm ranting. Sorry. Both of my boys told me this evening that they are not feeling well... one with a bad headache, and one with an ear ache and sore throat. Jesus help us. I have an important meeting in the morning that I can't miss..... if they are sick, I could be in trouble here.... they may be coming to the meeting with me!
Well, the reason I am here on this blog this evening is because my pastor told me I needed to blog about last night's tremendous service we had last night... and it was just that... tremendous! We had a missionary from Holland come to preach last night, Bro. Mike Tuttle.

WOW! He was here six years ago, right at the height of the Civil Union debate here in liberal Vermont. Holland already had legalized same sex marriage, as well as street drugs (in Holland you can go to a "coffee shop" and order heroin, marijuana, cocaine, etc. right off a MENU!!!!). He told us back then not to worry if the Civil Unions became law (they did). He assured us that it would not hinder God one bit, and that God would move anyway, perhaps in an even greater way, as that is what is happening in Holland. Last night, he told us that the young people (teens and young adults) are fed up with socialist liberal ideology in Holland, and they are starting to look for answers in God. He told story after story after story about how legalized drugs and legalized prostitution have ruined the lives of so many young people, and the youth are starting to see that this way is not the answer. He told us of miraculous things that God is doing over there! THEN, he preached. Yep, it was mega powerful, folks! He preached from Matthew 16, where Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" and Peter (then still named Simon) replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." That was Peter's REVELATION of who Jesus was, and it was his CONFESSION of who Jesus was. But Jesus also had a confession! He said, "You are Peter (no longer Simon) and upon this rock (Peter's revelation) I will build my church." Jesus called him a ROCK. Peter! The one who messed up so many times, and failed Jesus so much! Jesus believed in him enough to call him the rock (foundation) on which He would build the church! WE need to believe that we ARE who Jesus SAYS we are... a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people who have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light! HE CONFESSED IT! We need to BELIEVE it! He also called us MORE THAN CONQUERERS! Yep, Bro. Tuttle told us an excellent story to paint a word picture in our mind of what "more than a conquerer" looks like! He told us to picture two boxers in a ring. The bell rings and they proceed to beat the snot out of each other. One falls, then gets back up. They fight some more, the other one falls, then gets up. They have a cut over the left eye, a broken nose, blood running down their face from cuts, teeth missing, the right eye swollen shut, one ear bit off (lol), but they keep fighting. Finally, one falls down and gets smart... he stays down. They count to ten, and he's out. The other guy is declared the winner... the conquerer! He looks half dead, but he's the conquerer. They give him $10 million dollars, because he is the conquerer. He limps home, opens the door, and his wife is standing there, all dressed up nice like she's ready to go shopping. He hands her the check..... SHE IS MORE THAN A CONQUERER!!!! She got the check for $10 million without getting beat up! Jesus is our conquerer. He went to the whipping post, took the crown of thorns and the beatings, and went to the cross and died, so that WE could have eternal life without having to go to the cross ourselves. WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERERS through Him that loved us!

Great analogy! Great move of God. He told us that when we start believing that we are who Jesus says we are (more than conquerers), we will turn our state upside down in a DAY! I need that revelation... the revelation of who HE is and who HE SAYS I AM! He told us we are a revival looking for a place to happen. I wrote that in the front of my Bible, right above another confession... "I am hell's worst day!" I am hoping that Pastor will have our trusty webmaster, Dan, post Bro. Tuttle's message on our website for you to hear... (hint, hint, Pastor) ; 0 ) If he does, I'll post a link here.
Well, that about does it for me tonight. My hubby just called, and I asked him to swing by the store on his way home from EMT class to get me some ice cream (chocolate). He loves me! What a guy! I think I'll keep him! :)
1 comment:
Great service and well represented here Michelle. Congrats on making your 100th blog mark, Bravo!
Julie (Mom)
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