He has been teaching about the tremendous pressures being faced by the 21st century church to CONFORM to the ways of the world. Tonight's lesson was about the influence that culture is having on the people of God; an influence that we may not even realize. It was an awesome lesson. I will be doing some self-examination during my prayer time, to see just how much influence I have allowed in my own life from the post modern culture we are living in (can you say "Santa Claus"? Hello?) . He made his point by teaching us the philosophy of Hegellian Dialectics (see diagram below), which is actually very simple. Two people with differing viewpoints come together to talk. They are in total disagreement. They begin to try to find common ground by each conceding a little until they come to a completely new viewpoint that is not true to the starting viewpoint of either person. Then they begin a new conversation based on this newly created viewpoint, and eventually come to total agreement on something that doesn't even come close to what either party originally stood for. The world is TRYING to do that to the church. "Can't you just give up this belief here? Can't you just accept this little belief of ours here?" Can't you just give up your holiness standards a little? Can't you just accept our belief in a triune God? Can't you just accept the gay lifestyle as okay? Can't you just accept that there is more than one way to God? Your way is okay, my way is okay? Huh? Can you say "interfaithism"? Hegellian dialectics are impacting the church more than we realize. WHO KNEW?? Church is just a great place to learn... learn how to STAND for what God's Word has to say about YOUR LIFE. Isn't God good? :) Thanks, Pastor!

Hegellian Dialectic concept (see above)
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