Bean picking apples

Alex picking the high apples!

The Three Muskateers: Alex, Adam, and Nick

The wagon ride to the orchard

Let the tricycle races begin!

Wheelie wipeout in the third turn!

Nick resting in the apple tree

Her younger son wasn't home all weekend, he was at the Highland games, because he thinks he is Scottish, and has the entire outfit (minus the shoes) to prove it! He loves the bagpipes and can jig like nobody's business! Hee hee hee! My 8 year old nephew is so cute in a kilt!
We also spent time watching the RED SOX KICK BUTT with my grandparents. My grandmother thinks Johnny Damon needs a haircut. It's true, he does, but he is one amazing baseball player, long hair or not! YAY! I love my grandparents. They are truly very very special people.


We also went to visit my friends Allan and Rhonda. They are currently trying to revive a wounded, dying church, and we spent 3 hours talking with them about what our church has been through and how long the recovery took, and how the Scriptures talk about "when you strike the shepherd, the sheep scatter." Rhonda cried as the Holy Ghost ministered by confirming things that she and Allan had been going through, talking about, and praying about. Allan was very encouraged. He is the one giving the sermons (with two others, I believe) and he is merely the treasurer/lay leader in this little congregation of 20 or so people. That is a very difficult task, and I admire him for following the leading of the Holy Ghost and trying to bind up the wounds of the saints and minister love, strength, and encouragement to them. He is reaching out, which is a sign of healing. The wounded usually turn inward. They attend the Church of Christ. Pray for them!
And the last exciting thing that happened was when we went to church Sunday morning. I just want to stop here and say how much I appreciate Bro. and Sis. Bell, the pastor / wife of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Portsmouth, NH. I love attending their church when we go home to visit my family! Everyone there is like family - so kind and loving! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!! The best part about THIS visit was when we were in the parking lot just after arrival. A car pulled in, braked and parked right in the middle of the parking lot, and a lady jumped out hollering, "Don't you recognize me?? It's ME!!!" She was crying! It was my dear sweet sister in the Lord Maggie Martin!!! FROM VERMONT!!! She threw her arms around me and hugged me to death! I did not even know she had moved from VT (she attended the church in Barre). She is now living in S. Berwick and attending church at Bro. Bell's church! She was so thrilled to see familiar faces from home! We sat together, worshipped together, and got caught up on things after service. God always knows what each day holds... I think He was excited, knowing what was going to happen, anticipating Maggie's joy. What a neat God we serve!
Our big birthday bash dinner with me, my sister, and my grandmother was fun. We went to Bugaboo Creek Steak House. The kids had a blast! They have a talking buffalo, a talking tree, singing fish, raccoons that poke their head out of a barrel and look around, and all kinds of fun stuff like that. When the singing waiters and waitresses came out with our birthday cakes, they had a giant stuffed moose head that each birthday person had to kiss (yuck). We all enjoyed just being together. Here are a couple of pictures:

The boys showing off their root "beer bottles"

Dinner with the fam at Bugaboo Creek

We ended our trip with a stop at Chuck E. Cheese. The boys were thrilled and very well behaved and grateful.

Adam racing at Chuck E. Cheese

Nick dirt biking at Chuck E. Cheese

Adam the masked wonder, displaying his treasures

Look how many tickets I won, Mom!

The food there leaves a lot to be desired, but they had a great time! One dad there had on a t-shirt that said, "I'm having and out-of-money experience". Amen!
Whew! That is it for this post (long enough for ya??) You think this is bad, wait until we come home from our Christmas trip to Maryland! I am confident that many things happened in the spiritual realm during this trip. I will be praying for the fruits to come forth.
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