Yesterday was mine and Jason's wedding anniversary, and I have to tell you he blew my mind! He rented us a white 2005 mustang convertible for 24 hours, and took me over to Lake Placid, NY to a fabulous restaurant called the Boat House on Mirror Lake. Here is a picture of the mustang I called my own for a few hours...

Man, it was ours for a DAY...

We ate out on the deck over the water and watched the sun set over the Adirondack Mountains. The man knows how to romance a woman!!!!! The ride back was just as wonderful... we were on the ferry coming back to Vermont, it was dark out. We had the top down, and put the seats back to look up at the billion stars in the sky.... I was pretty sure I had died and gone to heaven! What a tremendous time we had!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JASON!!!!! It's been a wonderful eleven years... looking forward to many many more!
Gotta get going... it's a school night for the Loseby boys, and it's 8:32 pm. They need to get to bed. We need to drive 90 minutes home. Love you all... Verizon TELLS me I should have my DSL back on Tuesday evening... I'll believe it when I see it.... I'm beginning to think Verizon is evil.... Blog ya soon!
1 comment:
Hi Meet-shell,
Welcome back to the blogosphere. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers through computer woes and long gaps in entries. Misery loves company, my friend.
So, Happy Anniversary to you and Jason! I just had to chuckle at the Mustang picture because I did exactly the same thing years ago when I rented a 'Stang. I was living in Seattle at the time, and went back to New Hampshire for the holidays. I had intended on the cheapest possible rental car, but was fortunate that the only car on the lot when I arrived was a brand new Mustang -- which they gave me for the same low rate as for the sub-sub-compact (i.e. 2-door speck) that I'd booked. So, I have a picture of me posing in front of the car, that looks remarkably similar to yours. :-) I'll upload it to my blog when I get my new computer back and functioning.
I hope you and yours are well, through it all. My best to your friends as they head back to their home post-hurricane.
Be well!
Kel :-)
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