Jason's solo "He Reigns"

Stacy directing the choir- you go girl!

NH/VT District Choir- powerfully anointed!

Proud brothers - Jason and Ben after the concert.

Next, we'll add in a few pictures of the pre-campers, ages 4-8, that Jason and I were teaching. We had a train theme... Salvation Station! The kids just loved it!

Conductor and Engineer Ziter - precamper teachers

Geoff and Olyvia receiving the Holy Ghost in precamper service! YAY!!!

Salvation Station - all aboard! This is our puppet theater.

Our Holy Ghost party! The three holding the cake are the new members of the Kingdom of God!

Our precampers singing the Sunday School Rock in evening service for the grownups! They were awesome!

Finally, some pictures from evening services! Altar calls were powerful, with many receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and many others being healed, including Sis. Davis, who got up out of her wheelchair! She has severe MS, and has not had the strength to stand in over 4 years! What a fabulous miracle!

Altar call on Tuesday evening. Many people seeking God!

Sis. Davis gets up out of her wheelchair! A miracle!!!!

Sis. Davis stands up and worships God!

Sis. Davis and Sis. Deval rejoice together!

Our two boys, Adam and Nick, had a great time! This was their first experience with camp, and they really observed and took it all in. They made a ton of new friends, and learned to pray and seek God in a deeper way. They can't wait to go back next year!

Adam and Nick being their goofy selves! (Also pictured: Josh, Andrea, Breanna, Meghan, Jared, Nick, Adam, and Shelby)

All in all... here is what I walked away from camp meeting with in my spirit : I will not be a timid, ashamed Christian anymore! Jesus is coming, and the world needs to KNOW and be READY! I will arise and be bold... if they reject me, it's not really me they are rejecting... it is Jesus Christ and His salvation they are rejecting, just as the people in Noah's day rejected salvation and refused to get on the ark. The Junior Crusaders were taught by Bro. Jay Stirnamen, and his first crusade involved a cell phone call from Hell... VERY convincing! I choose NOT to go there, and I choose to bring as many to heaven with me as I can!
Also, I came away being fully convinced of WHO I AM... I am a child of King Jesus, and I am His ambassador to a world of lost people. I will not walk with my head hung low, and I will not be ashamed of who I am and who I represent! I am royalty! So are the little precampers that received the Holy Ghost this week! We were empowered to take New England for the Kingdom of God and there is nothing that can come against us or stop us! Praise God! I know this post is long.... I know it does not even BEGIN to scratch the surface of what took place in Lyndonville, VT this week... but know this... I am going to heaven. I LOVE this life I live for Jesus Christ! I am assured of my place in the kingdom, because I have had a new birth experience... repentance, water baptism in Jesus' name, and receiving the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gave me the ability. The words to the Sunday School Rock that our precampers sang go like this: I love Jesus, Yes I do, I love Jesus, How about you?
Well, how about you?
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