Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Frustrating day to be a Vermonter....
Well, it is pretty much world wide news about Vermont legalizing same sex marriage. I am nauseated and heartbroken. And angry. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Montpelier is one of those high places where spiritual wickedness has a STRONG foothold. I am not so much angry at the people who voted this sick law into existence, although I am very disappointed in them... but it is SATAN and his stupid imps who USE these people to destroy the Godly institution of marriage. I was reading devotion to my son this evening, and the story for April 7th had these verses attached:
Psalms 5:4-7
O God, You take no pleasure in wickedness;
You cannot tolerate the slightest sin.
Therefore, the proud will not be allowed to stand
in Your presence,
for You hate all who do evil.
You will destroy those who tell lies.
The Lord detests murderers and deceivers.
O God, You take no pleasure in wickedness;
You cannot tolerate the slightest sin.
Therefore, the proud will not be allowed to stand
in Your presence,
for You hate all who do evil.
You will destroy those who tell lies.
The Lord detests murderers and deceivers.
That, my friends, is straight from the God who created everything, including people!! He created us, and knows exactly HOW He created us to live... and you will find NOWHERE in the Bible where two men got married, or two women. I am doing my level best to keep my response of anger directed at THE DEVIL, not the people. But I will stand up and draw the line, because I KNOW the devil is not going to stop, but will continue to use people to push this outrageous sin into our schools to corrupt our children. I WILL STOP the devil in his tracks IN JESUS' NAME if he thinks he can get the minds of my children. He will not. My boys are following this whole process, and think it is totally sick. They have both told me they will stand up and speak out if confronted. I am so proud of them! Jason and I have worked hard and prayed even harder to raise our little men with GODLY morals and principles. It is working. They are mad, too!
I am rambling, but I must vent. Vermont is full of good people with Godly values who HATE this ruling that has been FORCED upon them. Our government failed us. Our elected officials voted the will of the aggressive minority, NOT the will of the majority of the citizens of Vermont. Our governor is a courageous man who took a stand against evil, and took a TON of heat for it. The "loving" homosexual community showed their true identity when the fangs came out and they spewed their hateful venom at our leader when he said he would veto. They DID the very thing to him that we are accused of doing to them. Our state is totally polarized. The atmosphere is very tense in Vermont. People are afraid to talk about it at work for fear of being austricized. I am finding shelter from the storm in the presence of God. He is the peace-speaker. He will be the final judge on the Day of Judgement. Jesus himself said in John 12:48 "He who rejects me, and does not receive my words has one who will judge him: the WORD that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." They will be judged by the Word of God on the last day, which clearly condemns homosexuality. I am so looking forward to Heaven! There is NO SIN there! This world is so sick and twisted and morally bankrupt, I can't take much more of it. Heaven is my reality! I'm going there, and it will be worth the wait!!
I am rambling, but I must vent. Vermont is full of good people with Godly values who HATE this ruling that has been FORCED upon them. Our government failed us. Our elected officials voted the will of the aggressive minority, NOT the will of the majority of the citizens of Vermont. Our governor is a courageous man who took a stand against evil, and took a TON of heat for it. The "loving" homosexual community showed their true identity when the fangs came out and they spewed their hateful venom at our leader when he said he would veto. They DID the very thing to him that we are accused of doing to them. Our state is totally polarized. The atmosphere is very tense in Vermont. People are afraid to talk about it at work for fear of being austricized. I am finding shelter from the storm in the presence of God. He is the peace-speaker. He will be the final judge on the Day of Judgement. Jesus himself said in John 12:48 "He who rejects me, and does not receive my words has one who will judge him: the WORD that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." They will be judged by the Word of God on the last day, which clearly condemns homosexuality. I am so looking forward to Heaven! There is NO SIN there! This world is so sick and twisted and morally bankrupt, I can't take much more of it. Heaven is my reality! I'm going there, and it will be worth the wait!!
Interesting video
I popped over to Sister Sunshine's blog today, and found this video on her blog.... it is very interesting...... the guy is making a smoothie the whole time he's on his soapbox, kinda funny... but he is SOOOOO RIGHT! You just have to watch it to see what I mean.
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