Jr. Crime Stoppers
Although I had many pictures of this unit, they seem to have mysteriously disappeared... alas, this is the only one I can find! :-( This was a Kids Power Hour unit that I thought I would love teaching because my husband is a police officer, but really, I did not enjoy it much at all and found myself getting anxious for it to be over.

Creation Unit
I think my favorite unit of all time is this one! We "created" as we went... beginning with a room covered in black trash bags and nothing else! Dark and void! The following week, they came in to find the yellow paper on one side, with light and dark being separated. The following week, they came in to find the sky, clouds, and water added. From then on, every time we added to the creation, the kids helped by drawing the land, the plants, the sea creatures, land animals, etc. etc. It was awesome!

Iditarod Theme (I Did it God!)
Okay, I have to admit... I'm an Iditarod junkie! I LOVE IT! We teach it as a unit in our school (2nd grade) every year, and it is SO MUCH FUN! Which is why when I saw this unit in our SS curriculum, I was PUMPED! I went all out decorating for this one! However, I was sadly disappointed in the curriculum itself. Many of the lessons have no tie in to the Iditarod theme AT ALL! Very frustrating! But my enthusiasm kept the kiddos engaged and excited.

Shake it Up Cafe Unit
SO. MUCH. FUN! This is a VBS unit that I adapted into a whole quarter! Our puppet, Cheffy, was the hit of the unit! He talks with a thick Italian accent and tells really bad knock knock jokes! The kids would CHANT for him every week! Cheffy! Cheffy! Cheffy! LOL!

Search and Rescue theme
Okay. My husband is a Firefighter, EMT, and police officer (AND a minister!!), so this unit was EASY for me to pull off! This is a Kids Power Hour unit.

Grounded in the Truth unit
So, my creation unit was my favorite, but Grounded in the Truth was a very close second! Squirm O'Wiggle, RS was such a fun puppet character, and again, the kids would CHANT for him!!! This is an EXCELLENT unit for kids ages 5-11. Kids Power Hour rocks!

The Friend Ship
Truth Academy
I got tired of "entertainment" mode and decided to turn the Sunday school classroom into a ... CLASSROOM! Just like an elementary classroom. Our mission? Learn the books of the bible in order (all 66 of them) and learn something important about every single book. It can be done! At this writing, we are in the book of Psalms! HALFWAY THERE! Woo hoo!
Again... like the Jr. Crime Stoppers, I had quite a few pictures from this unit (including one of me being a very pregnant Mary on a donkey... LOL!) But where they all ended up? I have no clue. I found this one picture of the stable a man in our church built for us. It was awesome!

And that is what I have for Sunday school classroom stuff. I will create a separate post later with many of my "precamper" units from our district's family church camp. Until then, if you are new to my blog, feel free to browse back through its pages... lots of interesting stuff! Blessings!