I found this message posted on a blog I read, and it blew me away! This man is a youth evangelist for the baptist church, and this message is delivered under a heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit. EVERY SINGLE TEEN and young adult needs to hear this message... in its entirety. Wow.
Rev. Paul Washer
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Love of the Word

The Bible. God's perfect, holy WORD. A love letter from Jesus to each of us.
I listened to a message my pastor preached while we were away in St. Johnsbury. In fact, I have listened to it over and over. It impacted me deeply. The title of the message was "Whatever Happened to the Word of God?" In it, he speaks of a man who preached the word of God in Underhill, VT during the time of the Civil War. He spoke of how this man saw GREAT REVIVAL in his time of ministry. The man? Rev. Mark Atwood. The reason my pastor even knows about him? His grave is in the cemetary directly behind our church. His tombstone is in the shape of a pulpit with a Bible carved into the top of it. A memorial of this man's love for the Word of the Lord. Here is the part that hit my heart like an arrow in a bullseye...
Rev. Mark Atwood died 66 years before my pastor was even born. God, who is omnipresent, looked ahead in time and caused the Rev. Mark Atwood to be a silent witness to my pastor 108 years AFTER his death. This man's love for God is a memorial.... YEARS after his death. That is more powerful than ANY WORDS you could write on a tombstone... more powerful than any eulogy that could be given... HE LOVED THE WORD OF GOD. Period. And the way I see it, John 1:14 states that the Word of God became FLESH and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ our Savior is the living Word of God. You cannot separate the two. Don't try to tell me you love God if you don't love His Word.

It is a very powerful thing to think about my own life and the impression it will leave for those who come after me. Will they look at my grave and think, "Wow, Michelle REALLY loved the Word of the Lord!" Will the person who gives my eulogy say anything at all about my deep love for the Lord and His Word?" I feel deep conviction when I think back to my earlier years as a Christian... the HOURS and HOURS I spent with my nose in the Book, doing my own Bible studies. I still love the Word and I have read it cover to cover 7 times (currently on # 8). But I am only reading it. I haven't thrown myself into deep STUDY of the Bible in far too long. And I believe my life shows that. Which reminds me of the question my pastor posed to us two nights ago at mid-week Bible study... Who do people really meet when they meet me? Is is Jesus? Or not? Pastor, thank you so much for preaching your heart and the heart of Jesus. I have been deeply moved by your messages of late, and am making some changes in my life as a result. I want to draw as near to Jesus as I can in these last days!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Proud Mom moment
Ok... I have to admit I have been struggling with blogging lately. I've been struggling with some things and feeling very discouraged the past few weeks. Every time I try to blog, I stare at the blank box and .... well.... sign out. Because I don't feel like writing about all my troubles and stressed out feelings for the world to see, basically.
Well.... tonight is a very different story. Tonight, I am a bustin' with pride mom who WANTS to tell the world about her amazing son!
Tonight was Adam's band concert. Actually, he is in TWO bands... the regular concert band and the jazz band. Both played this evening. (Actually, he is in THREE bands, because he is also in the 6th grade band, which performs next week). Now mind you... they are not the Royal Philharmonic, ok? But for 4th-5th graders , they were pretty incredible. And the cool thing is... the jazz band learned quite a few songs (that I heard Adam rehearse at home a lot), but I was unaware of the fact that they were focusing primarily on IMPROV during their band practices... feeling the music inside you, and just playing what you feel within the confines of the key the band is playing in. Wow.... there were several members of the jazz band that played IMPROV solos tonight... totally unrehearsed... and ADAM was one of them! I had no idea he would be playing improv solos! That fact alone blew me away, because that takes a level of self confidence that he quite frankly did not possess at the beginning of the school year. And jazz rhythms are quite difficult, so I was duelly impressed.
Then the concert band played, and those were the really fun songs! The theme to Star Wars, the Pink Panther, the Olympic theme song, Doo wah diddy diddy dum, diddy doo, among others... and an amazing song called Clouds that had a really neat thunderstorm in the middle of it, complete with gongs, cymbals, and drums for thunder and lightning! Way cool! They finished off with Let's Go Band, a rousing finish!
But that is not the best part of this story! Here is the best part. After the concert was over, I went up to Jeremiah, the band director, and gave him a big hug and congratulations for an amazing performance. He told me that he was GIVING Adam the school trumpet he has been using all year, because he earned it. He told me that watching Adam's confidence level soar on the wings of the music, and his high enthusiasm, helped make the decision easy. He told me, "Adam is the only trumpet player in this school who can hit a high 'C'... I can't even hit a high 'C'!! He definitely deserves it. It's his to keep." I was blown away. When he told Adam, Adam's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open. Adam was definitely not expecting that! Made him feel pretty darn good about himself!
HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So... there you have it. A POSITIVE post on northern apostolic mom! Been a while, I know. But I sense a change in my spirit for the better.... I hope not to be gone so long from now on. Blessings to you all!
Well.... tonight is a very different story. Tonight, I am a bustin' with pride mom who WANTS to tell the world about her amazing son!
Tonight was Adam's band concert. Actually, he is in TWO bands... the regular concert band and the jazz band. Both played this evening. (Actually, he is in THREE bands, because he is also in the 6th grade band, which performs next week). Now mind you... they are not the Royal Philharmonic, ok? But for 4th-5th graders , they were pretty incredible. And the cool thing is... the jazz band learned quite a few songs (that I heard Adam rehearse at home a lot), but I was unaware of the fact that they were focusing primarily on IMPROV during their band practices... feeling the music inside you, and just playing what you feel within the confines of the key the band is playing in. Wow.... there were several members of the jazz band that played IMPROV solos tonight... totally unrehearsed... and ADAM was one of them! I had no idea he would be playing improv solos! That fact alone blew me away, because that takes a level of self confidence that he quite frankly did not possess at the beginning of the school year. And jazz rhythms are quite difficult, so I was duelly impressed.
Then the concert band played, and those were the really fun songs! The theme to Star Wars, the Pink Panther, the Olympic theme song, Doo wah diddy diddy dum, diddy doo, among others... and an amazing song called Clouds that had a really neat thunderstorm in the middle of it, complete with gongs, cymbals, and drums for thunder and lightning! Way cool! They finished off with Let's Go Band, a rousing finish!
But that is not the best part of this story! Here is the best part. After the concert was over, I went up to Jeremiah, the band director, and gave him a big hug and congratulations for an amazing performance. He told me that he was GIVING Adam the school trumpet he has been using all year, because he earned it. He told me that watching Adam's confidence level soar on the wings of the music, and his high enthusiasm, helped make the decision easy. He told me, "Adam is the only trumpet player in this school who can hit a high 'C'... I can't even hit a high 'C'!! He definitely deserves it. It's his to keep." I was blown away. When he told Adam, Adam's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open. Adam was definitely not expecting that! Made him feel pretty darn good about himself!
HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So... there you have it. A POSITIVE post on northern apostolic mom! Been a while, I know. But I sense a change in my spirit for the better.... I hope not to be gone so long from now on. Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
For better or for worse...in all areas of life.
I am challenged. This blog is here to display the life of a Christian mom... for better or for worse. But what do you do when the worse is private? When you CAN'T share what you are experiencing because to do so would violate confidences? I find myself wanting to blog... sitting down, logging in... and then logging out because I can't really express what I am feeling and going through.
So, I will focus on the little things. The things that bring me joy in the midst of the storm. They may not seem exciting to you, but to me, they are an oasis... a place of rest from the oppressive feelings of frustration.
My husband. He is my number one joy (next to Jesus, of course). I love him so much... there just aren't words. It thrills my heart to hear him preaching the gospel from church to church! It thrills my heart that he preached his message this Sunday twice... once to the church, but FIRST, to his 87 year old grandmother who isn't well enough to get to the church, in her kitchen! He's my hero. And probably hers, as well.
My children. They are such a blessing! My oldest went away on a field trip to Old Sturbridge Village and Plimouth Plantation in Mass. for three days, and I never knew three days could feel so long! I really missed him! He went down with $18 in spending money. He bought a girl he has liked for two years now an indian bracelet (which she wore to school today, I might add... that thrilled Adam to no end) and the rest of the $18 he spent on ...................................
So, I will focus on the little things. The things that bring me joy in the midst of the storm. They may not seem exciting to you, but to me, they are an oasis... a place of rest from the oppressive feelings of frustration.
My husband. He is my number one joy (next to Jesus, of course). I love him so much... there just aren't words. It thrills my heart to hear him preaching the gospel from church to church! It thrills my heart that he preached his message this Sunday twice... once to the church, but FIRST, to his 87 year old grandmother who isn't well enough to get to the church, in her kitchen! He's my hero. And probably hers, as well.
My children. They are such a blessing! My oldest went away on a field trip to Old Sturbridge Village and Plimouth Plantation in Mass. for three days, and I never knew three days could feel so long! I really missed him! He went down with $18 in spending money. He bought a girl he has liked for two years now an indian bracelet (which she wore to school today, I might add... that thrilled Adam to no end) and the rest of the $18 he spent on ...................................
Yes... candy. Over $10 worth. Because Mom wasn't there, and that is what children do when the parental authority isn't there with them... LOL! Oh well.
Work. I really enjoy my job, and I wouldn't trade it for any other job! Today, the first grade classes were abuzz because today was chick hatching day!!! By day's end today, we had 6 chicks hatched, and many many eggs with pipp holes and tiny beaks poking out! Cute! By tomorrow, we should have a grand host of chicks peeping and being adorable! The 2nd graders (whom I work with) are green with envy! LOL!
My friends. I don't have a ton of them, but I have to tell you that Sandy is someone I can just hang with and relax and be myself, good or bad, and she is not even bothered by it. You are wonderful, Sandini!!!! (Don't stress over school decisions right now... take it one moment at a time, ok?)
So, now that you know the good parts of my life, you can pray for me and my family regarding the rougher areas of life. I appreciate every one of you out there in bloggerville!! Feel free to leave a comment! Peace out!
Work. I really enjoy my job, and I wouldn't trade it for any other job! Today, the first grade classes were abuzz because today was chick hatching day!!! By day's end today, we had 6 chicks hatched, and many many eggs with pipp holes and tiny beaks poking out! Cute! By tomorrow, we should have a grand host of chicks peeping and being adorable! The 2nd graders (whom I work with) are green with envy! LOL!
My friends. I don't have a ton of them, but I have to tell you that Sandy is someone I can just hang with and relax and be myself, good or bad, and she is not even bothered by it. You are wonderful, Sandini!!!! (Don't stress over school decisions right now... take it one moment at a time, ok?)
So, now that you know the good parts of my life, you can pray for me and my family regarding the rougher areas of life. I appreciate every one of you out there in bloggerville!! Feel free to leave a comment! Peace out!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Perilous times and hope in Jesus
I have come to the conclusion that the last days are not really the most "fun" days to be living in. Just one look at the news headlines screams 2 Timothy 3.
1 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.
4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.
5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
It also proves what Jesus himself said in Matthew 24.
“Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.[b]
10And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other.
11And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people.
12Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.
Marriages and families are under attack like never before. Satan knows his time is short. He is attacking mercilessly.
However, I have determined that the ONLY solution for a Christian in these perilous times is to keep your eyes on Jesus! When Peter was walking on the water in the middle of the storm, as long as he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus he was fine. The second he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the storm swirling around him, he began to sink. If I look only at the stuff going on all around me, I will surely sink and be consumed by the hopelessness and despair of this world. But Jesus is the peace-speaker in the middle of the storm. If I can get myself in a place of prayer, away from the storm, and focus on Jesus, He will speak peace and life and hope into my spirit. No, I don't like living in these perilous times.... but I know that there is a home waiting for me in heaven where there is no more sorrow or despair. Oh how I look forward to heaven, because JESUS is waiting for me there!
One of these days, I'm gonna see the hands that took the nails for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna see my Jesus face to face.... one of these days!!!
1 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.
4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.
5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
It also proves what Jesus himself said in Matthew 24.
4 Jesus told them,
Marriages and families are under attack like never before. Satan knows his time is short. He is attacking mercilessly.
However, I have determined that the ONLY solution for a Christian in these perilous times is to keep your eyes on Jesus! When Peter was walking on the water in the middle of the storm, as long as he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus he was fine. The second he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the storm swirling around him, he began to sink. If I look only at the stuff going on all around me, I will surely sink and be consumed by the hopelessness and despair of this world. But Jesus is the peace-speaker in the middle of the storm. If I can get myself in a place of prayer, away from the storm, and focus on Jesus, He will speak peace and life and hope into my spirit. No, I don't like living in these perilous times.... but I know that there is a home waiting for me in heaven where there is no more sorrow or despair. Oh how I look forward to heaven, because JESUS is waiting for me there!
One of these days, I'm gonna see the hands that took the nails for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna see my Jesus face to face.... one of these days!!!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Thankful for truth
I just want to take a moment to say that I am thankful for truth. Especially THE truth... God's Word. But really, truth seems to have become quite an ugly word here in the 21st century. It seems that these days, truth is not defined as black and white. Truth is now "relative". If I look at a red apple and say, "The apple is red.", that is the TRUTH. But if someone looks at the red apple and says, "The apple is purple with green spots." just because that is what they want to say it is, that is not the truth at all... but for whatever reason, it seems to be the truth to them. Because it is what suits them. Really, people can "re-define" ANYTHING to make it suit what they want. If I want to redefine the word "marriage" because the current definition doesn't fit with the way I want to live, then HEY! Why not? Just because I create a new definition does NOT mean that the actual TRUE definition is now false.
The reason I am on this little rant is because of a news story I just read on one of my local news websites. It seems that Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH has decided to re-define the word GENDER. Okay. I looked it up in my Merriam-Webster Dictionary here at home. Here is what I found:
gender - 1. the condition of being male or female; sex. 2. Females or males considered as a group.
The American Heritage dictionary says this:
gender - 1. the sex of an individual, male or female, based on reproductive anatomy.
So... Dartmouth now has what they call a "gender neutral" dorm, where MALES AND FEMALES can both live and "discuss" what they think the word gender should mean (not what it actually means). They have a poster that is divided in half. One side says "GENDER IS..." and the other says "GENDER IS NOT...". Darmouth tells us that gender IS NOT 1. male and female, 2. a person's sex, 3. determined by a person's anatomy. They tell us that gender IS 1. feminine, butch, androgynous, 2. a social role expectation.
So, there you have it. The next time you fill out an application for your driver's license or whatever, when it says GENDER... you can put whatever you want, whether it is true or not. THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE..... NOT!!!
Okay. So what does the WORD OF GOD have to say about this? Because the Word of God is TRUTH, no matter what anyone thinks.... God WILL have the last word on all things... guaranteed. People's lame definitions will mean nothing in the end. God defines gender in this way....
Gender - Genesis 1:27 - So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (NLT)
Hmm... let's see... who do I believe... mixed up people at a college, or GOD? I place all bets on GOD'S WORD being truth. The media and the colleges can say what they want, but I know in whom I have believed.
John 17:17 says:
Okay... I'm done for now. When people read this post, they'll either shout AMEN, or they'll be deeply offended by my "intolerance" of their definition. Ya know what? If people want to justify their sinful lifestyles, go right ahead. I am not here to "be God". I love people. Just remember what I wrote here and what God's word has to say... because someday they will have to answer for their choices.
The reason I am on this little rant is because of a news story I just read on one of my local news websites. It seems that Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH has decided to re-define the word GENDER. Okay. I looked it up in my Merriam-Webster Dictionary here at home. Here is what I found:
gender - 1. the condition of being male or female; sex. 2. Females or males considered as a group.
The American Heritage dictionary says this:
gender - 1. the sex of an individual, male or female, based on reproductive anatomy.
So... Dartmouth now has what they call a "gender neutral" dorm, where MALES AND FEMALES can both live and "discuss" what they think the word gender should mean (not what it actually means). They have a poster that is divided in half. One side says "GENDER IS..." and the other says "GENDER IS NOT...". Darmouth tells us that gender IS NOT 1. male and female, 2. a person's sex, 3. determined by a person's anatomy. They tell us that gender IS 1. feminine, butch, androgynous, 2. a social role expectation.
So, there you have it. The next time you fill out an application for your driver's license or whatever, when it says GENDER... you can put whatever you want, whether it is true or not. THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE..... NOT!!!
Okay. So what does the WORD OF GOD have to say about this? Because the Word of God is TRUTH, no matter what anyone thinks.... God WILL have the last word on all things... guaranteed. People's lame definitions will mean nothing in the end. God defines gender in this way....
Gender - Genesis 1:27 - So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (NLT)
Hmm... let's see... who do I believe... mixed up people at a college, or GOD? I place all bets on GOD'S WORD being truth. The media and the colleges can say what they want, but I know in whom I have believed.
John 17:17 says:
- Sanctify them by the truth, you're word is truth. (NIV)
- Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. (NLT)
- Make them holy - consecrated - with the truth; Your word is consecrating truth. (MSG)
- Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. (KJV)
Okay... I'm done for now. When people read this post, they'll either shout AMEN, or they'll be deeply offended by my "intolerance" of their definition. Ya know what? If people want to justify their sinful lifestyles, go right ahead. I am not here to "be God". I love people. Just remember what I wrote here and what God's word has to say... because someday they will have to answer for their choices.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Thoughts about music
After a day off from work and a visit to the doctor's office, I now have some prescription allergy medicine, and it is working pretty good (not great, just pretty good). At least I feel semi-human again, and can be somewhat functional around the house.
Speaking of my house... it is very quiet here right now. Jason and the kids (Adam, Nick, Josh, and Taylor) are at the pool and I am here enjoying the peace and quiet. God is good... he knows just what His children need. I have been listening to lots of new worship music the past couple days, trying to add to my songbook repertoire... but it is not as easy as it seems. Many of the new songs are guitar driven, and just don't sound right when played only on piano. My songbook is in desperate need of some upbeat songs! But without a guitar player.... I don't know. I'll give them a try. My church doesn't seem too receptive to new music... but I will press on. They DID like the new Clint Brown song I introduced, called "I Love You". It's a slow worship chorus. It's hard to find upbeat songs that please everyone... we have such diverse age groups in the church... oh well. I need to please ONE PERSON... and that is Jesus Christ. If He is pleased with what I play and sing, then the rest will take care of itself.
Well, I am going to take advantage of the quiet and spend some time with the Lord. I pray that you have a wonderful time of praise and worship at your home church tomorrow! Praise Him like tomorrow is the last day you have here! God bless you!
Speaking of my house... it is very quiet here right now. Jason and the kids (Adam, Nick, Josh, and Taylor) are at the pool and I am here enjoying the peace and quiet. God is good... he knows just what His children need. I have been listening to lots of new worship music the past couple days, trying to add to my songbook repertoire... but it is not as easy as it seems. Many of the new songs are guitar driven, and just don't sound right when played only on piano. My songbook is in desperate need of some upbeat songs! But without a guitar player.... I don't know. I'll give them a try. My church doesn't seem too receptive to new music... but I will press on. They DID like the new Clint Brown song I introduced, called "I Love You". It's a slow worship chorus. It's hard to find upbeat songs that please everyone... we have such diverse age groups in the church... oh well. I need to please ONE PERSON... and that is Jesus Christ. If He is pleased with what I play and sing, then the rest will take care of itself.
Well, I am going to take advantage of the quiet and spend some time with the Lord. I pray that you have a wonderful time of praise and worship at your home church tomorrow! Praise Him like tomorrow is the last day you have here! God bless you!
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