Saturday, September 29, 2007
No words
Friday, September 28, 2007
RED SOX RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The best husband in the world!
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Birthday /baseball /children's church
Myspace Graphics at
I love you Bean!
Second of all (great grammer, eh?), I just want to say that the Yankees are bugging me. They are in extra innings for the second night in a row. I hope Toronto has the stamina to hold them off again tonight.
Third of all, I must tell you that my children are excited about children's church tomorrow morning. The teen class is helping out with the worship, and the teens are excited about ministering to the younger ones. My husband just came home from rehearsal and told the boys what a great time they will be having tomorrow. Cool!
The evil empire (aka NYY) just won the game. *sigh* Oh well. As long as Boston wins tonight we'll be okay. Time for me to go anyway, I just got a call from a friend at church and she needs prayer. So off I go. Thank you Lord that we can come boldy before your throne, carrying the needs of others to you on the wings of prayer! You are awesome, God!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Christianity and baseball
Anyway, baseball playoff season is generally an ugly time here in our house, as we are a divided house... 2 Yankees, and 2 Red Sox fans. It is this way in homes all across New England. It is just the way life is here. Just like we can count on the leaves to turn gorgeous colors here in the fall, we can also expect family members to turn on one another and get in emotional conflicts... over BASEBALL!! Ridiculous, but true nonetheless.
In other news in my life (yes, I have a life), my son Adam brought home a new thing yesterday.... a trumpet. Yes, if the drums weren't enough to convince our landlord we need to be evicted, this just might do it. Just kidding. We have about a dozen rules in place about when and where the trumpet can be played in this 6 unit apartment building. God have mercy... it's a good thing we have a good relationship with our neighbors! Adam is pretty excited about learning the trumpet. He's also doing really well with his Moo Gong Do training, and will be testing for his orange belt the end of October.
And now, a picture my mother-in-law sent me... which pretty much describes my reason for NOT blogging here lately...

I am honestly trying not to be so addicted to this blasted computer! I am afraid that I have a long way to go....
Anyway, that is all for now. The Yankees/Toronto game is now in the bottom of the 13th inning, when in fact it never should have gotten past the 9th! Argh! I need to go to bed. Pray for our family during playoff season! LOL!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fire Station
I am currently sitting at the computer in the dispatch office of our local fire dept. while the boys watch the Red Sox / Yankees game (btw.. Sox are ahead 5-1... hee hee hee)! We are here because we had a cub scout meeting this evening here.
Currently, my husband is telling me it's time to go now that I am blogging... we've only been here for 3 1/2 hours...... *sigh* Oh well. Guess this is all you are getting from me tonight. Time to go! Bye!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Also, at the end of the service, we sang a wonderful song that I love so much and I sang it over and over for the rest of the night, even tucking my boys into bed. This morning, on my way in to work, I was trying to remember it, and I couldn't for the life of me think of the words! AH! It bugged me all day! I couldn't wait to get home and get out my music binder and find it. Here it is...
Lord I've come to lift up your name
Lord I've come to give you all my praise
For you alone are worthy of all the honor and the glory
Lord I've come to lift up your name.
Ah...... it is such a worshipful song, and brings me such peace whenever I sing it...*contented sigh*
Well, that is all for now. I must finish dinner.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
The cross we bear...
Lord, forgive me for my complaining! Help me to carry my burden with a thankful heart! That is so hard to say, but this makes it so very plain.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Catch up news
Being back to school is great! My boys are both liking their teachers and all (so far), and seem much more content now that they have some routine back in their life. I am also much more content being back at work. The teacher I am working with actually used to be my neighbor, and we get along great, so I am anticipating a really fun year!
Our family went to the fair on Saturday (Me, hubby, boys, and adopted daughter, the great Sandini). Jason worked lots of long hard hours on the EMS team at the fair to earn us 5 free passes, parking included, and wrist bands for the kids to go on unlimited rides. Lots of 18 hour shifts (12 at work followed immediately by 6 at the fair.... day after day after day). I love and appreciate my husband so much! He does so much for this family to make it all work. YOU ROCK BABY!!!! We wouldn't be attending the fair otherwise.... you need to take out a personal loan from the bank to be able to afford the fair these days!! Ridiculous.
Tonight at church, we had such a deep and powerful move of God in our evening service! Our pastor didn't even get to preach his message... God had other plans, which is fine by us! I love it when God steps in and disrupts all our pre-made plans and does what HE wants to do in people's lives. It's much more effective that way! Even Nick spent some time in prayer and felt the presence of God touch his heart. Neat!
My pastor is teaching a two lesson series during our mid-week services on the priesthood of Melchizidek... which probably means nothing to most of you, but I find it fascinating! Sandy gave me these weird eyes when I told her I was excited about it.... it was funny! She doesn't understand. I made up my mind a long time ago that I was going to totally sell out to Jesus Christ. I made up my mind to have NO gray areas in my life... either I live for Jesus 100%, or I walk away from it all and serve the world. I LOVE digging into the Word of God and learning all I can about the one who loved me enough to suffer death on the cross, just so I could live with him forever in heaven! He didn't have to, you know. But that is how much he loves me. And you. Anyway, this morning, my pastor gave me TWO 100 question quizzes testing your knowledge of the Bible from beginning to end. I love this kind of stuff! I finished the first quiz, and scored an 84... not bad! My two areas of weakness were: the minor prophets and the Gospels. My only problem in the gospels was this... for example... the parable of the sower can be found: a.) Matthew b.) Mark c.) Luke d.) all three. You see.... there were quite a few questions like that, and I have no idea how many times the same stories appear in the gospels, and which of the gospels they show up in! I tried to blame pastor for my poor performance on the minor prophets, stating that he doesn't preach enough out of the minor prophets. He agreed, but also was quick to point out that I don't study them enough, either. I hate it when he's right! JK! I don't. I now see my need to study the minor prophets more. There is much information about Jesus in these books, and I DO need to study them more! I haven't quite finished the 2nd quiz yet, I will post my score here when I do.
This afternoon we watched the movie, "Facing the Giants". It was so fabulous!!!!!!! I will definitely be purchasing that movie to OWN as a top notch family movie to be watched over and over and over again! God is so amazingly good!!!!
Anything else? We determined today that there are only 113 days left until Christmas! YAY! We are going to Maryland to spend Christmas with Jason's dad, and we are so excited! Actually, I just found a really cool site that counts down to Christmas how many months, how many days, how many hours, minutes, or seconds. As I type this there are 162,728 minutes until Christmas. And in seconds? There are currently (as I type) only 9,763,608 seconds until Christmas! WOW!
Okay. I suppose that is it for now because I am really tired (it's 1 am). There is actually so much more I want to write, but this post is already too long. I hope it didn't put you to sleep... I didn't even include any pictures for your enjoyment! (That makes my mom happy, because in VT she is on dial up!!). Sandy took a horrid picture of me at the fair, and has threatened to post it on Facebook.... I reminded her that I have plenty of bribery material pictures of her that I could post here for the world to see....... we'll see what happens. For now, good night to all and may God keep you in His care!