Monday, April 30, 2007
The journey ends....
Day 7 in Arizona

Everyone walks around in period dress, and you routinely hear gunshots, and then see someone come flying out a door with another yelling, "NO GUNS IN MY RESTAURANT!" It's pretty funny!
We ate lunch at the longhorn restaurant (NOT the chain, but the original one from back in the day). Then we spent a few minutes in the museum before the 2pm reenactment of the big gunfight. Here are Adam and Nick in front of a "jail".

The gunfight was fun. They did a four part show... Legends of the West, The night before the showdown, the actual gunfight, and the shooting of Virgil Earp.

When it was over, we got a picture of Adam and Nick standing with the Earp Brothers and Doc Holliday (with the "attitude" look on their faces to match the attitude of the showdown... LOL!).

There was no shade or cover during the show, so we headed for the ice cream parlor to cool off. Then we went to get our copies of the Tombstone Epithat, and we caught a VERY expensive stagecoach ride!!!!

It was a narrated tour through the streets, telling the history of the town, and showing where different people lived (and died). Neat, but NOT worth $30.
We headed back to Phoenix exhausted. However, we took a small detour on the way and stopped at the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Farm for some pictures.... VERY COOL!

As we neared Phoenix, we saw the most beautiful sunset... a perfect way to end a perfect vacation....

We arrived at our hotel at 7:30, ordered pizza, and let the boys unwind wrestling. We turned on ESPN to discover that the Red Sox beat the Yankees 11-4 AT Yankee Stadium.... sweet! Lights out for the kiddos at 9:30. It's been a VERY exciting week, but I think we are ALL ready to go home sweet home!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
we interrupt this blog....
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Day 6 in Arizona
When we got to the IHOP for breakfast, a very weird thing happened. We are in TUCSON, we walk into the restaurant, and who do we see??? The Pastor of the church in PHOENIX we attended on Sunday! He and his wife were there with a local UPC pastor (and HIS wife) because tonight is the first night of AZ district conference! And it's right down the street from our hotel! How cool is that? But we are going to be with Gary, Donna, and Amy this evening for dinner, and we are excited about that, too.
On our way to the Desert Museum, we stopped at a place called Gates Pass in the Saguaro National Forest. It was amazing. The boys and Jason hiked up the hill, while Donna and I looked out over the valley toward the beautiful Catalina mountains.
When we got to the Desert Museum, we got a real treat! That place is amazing! Here is just some of what we saw:

diamondback rattlesnake



puma mountain lion

prairie dogs

gray fox

otters (they were hilarious!)

gila monsters and other lizards
Some other animals not pictured are black widows, tarantulas, bobcats, GIANT black bears, desert tortoises, parrots, locusts, big horn sheep, and a squirrel that followed us EVERYWHERE!
There were also lots of desert plants to see...

Many of the desert cactuses were in full bloom, and they were gorgeous! We even saw a dust devil or two out in the desert, including the one below....

We spent about 3 hours at the museum, and the desert heat began to take its toll on the Ziters. Even though we DRANK and had ice cream 1/2 way through our visit, we were toast. THANK GOD for the air conditioned car!!!! On our way back, Donna toured us through Tucson. We saw University of Arizona (home of the wildcats!), the conference center, a gorgeous catholic cathedral, the "snake bridge" seen below...

the fire station (station 16) where her son Brian works, the church they attend, and Gary's office.
Back at the hotel, the boys went swimming for 2+ hours, Jason checked his 75 emails, and I journaled by the pool. We arrived at Gary and Donna's house at 6:30 pm, and had a wonderful visit with them and Amy. We had enchilada casserole, fried chicken, and garden/potato/macaroni salads. YUM! Here's something for the memory book... we ate outside on the back patio. I got up to go inside for some more enchilada casserole. However, when I tried to go in, I discovered (the painful way) that Gary had CLOSED the sliding glass patio door... I walked right into it full force! It was embarrassing, but HILARIOUS at the same time! While sitting out on the patio, we heard the coyotes begin to howl. The boys thought that was really cool. After dinner, we put in the movie "Happy Feet" for the boys while we shared pictures and stories with Gary, Donna, and Amy. At 9:20, we headed back to the hotel. We did two loads of laundry then hit the sack.
Day 5 in Arizona

We stopped at Mather Point on the way out for a final look. This is the same spot we got our FIRST look at the majesty of the Grand Canyon! WOW!
It was a L-O-N-G drive from Grand Canyon to Tucson, but the boys did really, really well! We went through Sedona (absolutely GORGEOUS), the red rock canyon. It was so beautiful!

We stopped there for lunch and ate at a place called "The Hitching Post" restaurant. They had tables outdoors and lunch was delightful!

While we were eating, we heard a jingling sound. A cowboy with spurs went by and the boys started singing:
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day 4 in Arizona

You will note there are NO railings on this very narrow path... hence the sign below...

Once the mules had hit the trail, we followed down the trail to a tunnel through the rock on the trail. Here are the boys standing in front of the tunnel.

When we walked through the tunnel to the other side, we spotted a HUGE California condor sitting up on the crop of rocks above us. Awesome sight!

Hard to see here, but he is showing off his incredible 9 1/2 foot wing span here... wow!
Anyway, we headed back to the rim where Jack and Julie were waiting, and a man with the condor project told us he would be scaring the condor off. We got video and photos of him soaring through the bright blue sky... what an incredible sight!!

Then we hopped the red line bus to see the western end of the south rim. Here is a picture of all of us at one of the early stops on the tour....

My very favorite stop was Maricopa Point. It was so breath-taking (and a little scary)! It was like standing on the edge of the world! Here is our family standing there... on the edge of the world at Maricopa Point.

There was another stop called "the abyss", which had a sheer 3,000 ft drop straight down. SCARY STUFF!! We got a great view of the Colorado River at Pima Point, then we headed back to the Market Plaza and had lunch.
While we were at Maricopa Point, the boys completed their final Jr. Ranger activity. After lunch, we hopped the bus to the Canyon View Visitor Center, where they were sworn in by a national park ranger as official "Jr. Park Rangers". We bought them each a ranger hat to go with the badge, patch, and certificate they received.
Then we headed back to the lodge for much needed rest and downtime. The boys and I laughed so hard watching America's Funniest Videos and Funniest Pets and People.
When the sun started to sink low, we headed to Yavapai Point to watch the sunset. It was VERY beautiful! There was an artist standing on the rim painting the canyon as the sun set. There were three mule deer grazing right where everyone could practically touch them. The sunset was a neat experience. We decided that sunrise would be the same thing, except in reverse. So, we opted to pass on it, and we will be sleeping in tomorrow morning.
We hadn't had dinner yet, so we headed into the village and got........ you guessed it..... McDonalds. Whatever. We pick our battles! They were really good during the sunset.
At bedtime, we had a "crisis event" (at least in Nick's eyes). There was a funky bug that Adam noticed on Jason's Bible. It looked something like this:
Quite creepy, actually. I picked up the Bible to shake him off outside. That thing moved with lightning speed toward my hand and startled me. I gasped and dropped the book. Nick started freaking out - demanding that we pack and head for Vermont RIGHT NOW!!!!! LOL! It was hilarious!!! Jason/Daddy/the hero killed the bug, and all was well. He fell right asleep.