So.... my mom has accused me of being a slacker! LOL! She lives in Florida and relies on my blog to keep abreast of all that is happening up in the north. And she is absolutely correct! I have definitely slacked in the blogging dept. lately. Not that there has been no news to report, but we've just been struggling to get healthy and it basically has sucked my will to blog. Did you happen to see the news report about the blogger in Egypt who was arrested and put in jail for what he wrote on his blog? Just because he spoke out against Islam. The government saw that as a threat... that he was speaking out against Allah. So they put him in jail for voicing his opinion. Now, I realize that America is the "land of the free" with rights like free speech and all... but with the democrats in charge of the government, that is sure to all change very quickly. Hillary is aligning herself with the homosexual lobbyists, partial birth abortion and physician assisted suicide are sure to become law, and you can bet any voice of opposition from the conservative Christian will be labeled as hate speech, and I could end up in jail for voicing my opinion here in my blog as well. But you know what? I will not be silenced! 4Him sings a great song that goes like this:I won't bend and I won't break
I won't water down my faith
I won't compromise in a world of desperation
What has been I cannot change
For tomorrow and today, I must
Be a light for future generations.
Our pastor just taught a lesson Sunday about suffering. He gave many Scriptures that state, Persecution WILL come to the Christian. It is a guarantee. Christianity is NOT for the wimpy or the faint-hearted. Taking a stand against evil in this day and age is a difficult thing! But we must! And to endure it, you must have a rock solid relationship with Jesus Christ, or you WILL bend and break, and compromise your faith.
The weather here is starting to warm up, and now that it is daylight savings time, it is still light after 7:00 pm! AND... there were ROBINS in our yard today! A sure sign of spring! The folks in Montpelier are worried about another flood of the Winooski river like 1992... keep an eye on the news for updates on that situation. I am personally READY for spring! The boys were outside today rollerblading, riding scooters and bikes... it was great! They have put on quite the layer of "insulation" this winter, and they need to work it off! We still have pretty high snowbanks (about 3-4 feet high), but if it stays warm for a few days, they should shrink significantly. Also, this weather brings on the Vermont gold.... MAPLE SYRUP! It is time for the sap run, and that is another sure sign of spring in Vermont! I know the sugarers are going to be participating once again in Operation Maple Sweetness, sending the sweet stuff to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Last year, we sent 800 gallons... 500 the year before. The goal this year is to send 1,000 gallons of syrup overseas to our troops!
Hmmmm, what else can I report? Our youth group is doing amazing things, and having another two days of youth revival services in two weeks.

(Click on image for larger view)
They have been involved in outreach in other towns, supporting other churches in our district, and really starting to be BOLD with their faith! It is cool to see. My husband and his brother were down on Church Street last night, and some teens were hanging out, playing guitar and singing. Jason said, "I'll pay you $5.00 if you let me play your guitar and sing a couple songs." The kid said SURE! So Jason played "I'm a One-God apostolic tongue-talkin' holy rollin' born again heaven bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name" by Lance Appleton. The kid looked at Jason and said, "You know... I've been looking for something like that." Jason invited him to the upcoming services and he said he might come! YAY!!! Well... I could ramble on forever, since I haven't blogged in over a week. But I need to put my kiddos to bed. Sorry for the absence. Sorry for being a slacker. I will write more soon. Bye!