Yes, ladies and gentlemen! THE SUN IS OUT!!!! It is a natural phenomenon that Vermont hasn't experienced in two weeks! My children are playing INSIDE!! What gives??? I'm booting them out!
I am trying to find an old friend from Sheldon, VT named Anna Hayden. She has obviously moved out of state... am praying that God will lead me to her. Nothing is too hard for my God!
We had a friend from church over last night for dinner and a hilarious movie! It was so much fun! My boys were laughing so hard they could hardly breathe. Prov. 17:22 says "a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (NIV)". No crushed spirits around here last night. And the christian fellowship was great too!
Well, gotta get going. Blessings to everyone!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Virtual pet
By the way, if you haven't noticed him yet, scroll down and look at my sidebar... I have a virtual pet penguin named Kevin (named after Kevin from the 3-2-1 Penguins cartoon). If you click on him, you can knock him off his iceburg and into the water. Hee hee hee! Cute!
Astros are stressing me out!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK... I am a die-hard Red Sox fan! Anyone who knows me knows that. But when they did the typical "fall choke", I had to find someone else to route for. I routed for the White Sox, and they came through with flying colors! The National League, however, has become a source of stress this evening! AAAHHHH!!!! I have become a temporary Astros fan, partly because of the intense enthusiasm of fellow blogger Bradley McDonald over at the Bench Warmer (reading his blog... how can you NOT route for the 'Stros???) and partly because of my next door neighbor's affection for them. Tonight, at the top of the 9th inning, they were ONE OUT AWAY from going to the world series..... but they choked! They lost the game! Have mercy! Tell me this is not happening....
In other, less stressful news, I had a wonderful visit this afternoon with a new friend named Melissa. She is an EMT in Bennington, and her husband is a methodist pastor down there. We had a wonderful time talking about family, the Lord, and teaching (which was why she came up here... to teach at Jason's EMT-B class this evening). We discussed the daughter work we have started down there, and she commented how Bennington is a "tough nut to crack" spiritually. As a pastor's wife, she should know... we should both pray in agreement that Bennington belongs to Jesus Christ!!! AMEN! I think I will email her and make that suggestion.
Please pray that I get a phone call to substitute tomorrow. PLEASE pray that the teacher strike where I usually work will come to an END soon! I need to get back to work!!! $$$$
In other, less stressful news, I had a wonderful visit this afternoon with a new friend named Melissa. She is an EMT in Bennington, and her husband is a methodist pastor down there. We had a wonderful time talking about family, the Lord, and teaching (which was why she came up here... to teach at Jason's EMT-B class this evening). We discussed the daughter work we have started down there, and she commented how Bennington is a "tough nut to crack" spiritually. As a pastor's wife, she should know... we should both pray in agreement that Bennington belongs to Jesus Christ!!! AMEN! I think I will email her and make that suggestion.
Please pray that I get a phone call to substitute tomorrow. PLEASE pray that the teacher strike where I usually work will come to an END soon! I need to get back to work!!! $$$$
Saturday, October 15, 2005
can you say DRENCHED?
Yes.... we are not the brightest people on the planet. We just stood in the pouring rain for two hours watching the boys play 3 games of soccer each. We are all going to be sick next week! We came home, and the boys jumped into a hot bathtub to warm up. Ahhh........
Now that we are warm and dry, we are off to the open house at the fire department. My husband is already there. Hot dogs and hamburgers, and soda and popcorn, and lots of fun stuff to do!!!! INSIDE!!!!
Now that we are warm and dry, we are off to the open house at the fire department. My husband is already there. Hot dogs and hamburgers, and soda and popcorn, and lots of fun stuff to do!!!! INSIDE!!!!
Fun and exciting week!
Wow... sorry. It's beena while since I've been here to post. What an exciting week it has been! While the teachers at the school I usually substitute teach in have been on strike all week (not good), I managed to pick up three days in the Early Essential Education program at my son's school. We had a very exciting moment in the EEE room! We have a few children with autism, most of them are non-verbal. We were working with one such little girl on Thursday, giving her her lunch. She did really well, and when she was full, she began playing with her food. I took it away and signed "all done". The other teacher sitting beside her said, "Time to clean up." I began singing the cleanup song, and suddenly, as clear as a bell, the little girl sang "CLEANUP". Every teacher in the room (there were 4 of us), stopped dead in our tracks with our jaws on the ground. DID SHE JUST SAY CLEANUP????? And then she said it again!!!!! WOW! What dancing, jumping, hugging and rejoicing we had in that room! We had just been talking about how with autistic children, you celebrate everything... all the little things. But this was a HUGE thing! We celebrated BIG time! It was so rewarding.
Another fun thing... my mom's 60th birthday was on Tuesday. We have a dear family friend in Illinois who wanted to give my mom a plant with 60 blossoms on it. She called me up, and we decided on a mum... far more than 60 blossoms, but it got the point across. She called and gave the local florist her cc number, then I went to pick it up. It was GIGANTIC! It barely fit in the back of my Volvo hatchback! HUGE! On Monday night at midnight, I made the stealth delivery to her driveway at midnight, so it would be there when she woke up. What a fun surprise! She was thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister, brother, and I also planned a card shower for her, she has received at least 100 birthday cards so far, showering her with love. She is thoroughly enjoying that as well.
We have 6 soccer games today in the pouring rain... that should be fun... ahem... not. But it is the jamboree... last day of the season. After today, it's over, and I have my Saturdays back. Can someone say PRAISE THE LORD!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'll endure two hours of rain to have it over. I love soccer, and so do the boys, but it will be nice to be able to SLEEP IN on a Saturday once in a while.
Well, time to get ready for the day. Blessings to all!
Another fun thing... my mom's 60th birthday was on Tuesday. We have a dear family friend in Illinois who wanted to give my mom a plant with 60 blossoms on it. She called me up, and we decided on a mum... far more than 60 blossoms, but it got the point across. She called and gave the local florist her cc number, then I went to pick it up. It was GIGANTIC! It barely fit in the back of my Volvo hatchback! HUGE! On Monday night at midnight, I made the stealth delivery to her driveway at midnight, so it would be there when she woke up. What a fun surprise! She was thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister, brother, and I also planned a card shower for her, she has received at least 100 birthday cards so far, showering her with love. She is thoroughly enjoying that as well.
We have 6 soccer games today in the pouring rain... that should be fun... ahem... not. But it is the jamboree... last day of the season. After today, it's over, and I have my Saturdays back. Can someone say PRAISE THE LORD!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'll endure two hours of rain to have it over. I love soccer, and so do the boys, but it will be nice to be able to SLEEP IN on a Saturday once in a while.
Well, time to get ready for the day. Blessings to all!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Physical vs. Spiritual rest
Well, forget about the nap... I did something WAY better! I dug out some old old tapes from under my bed and had myself a Holy Ghost worship hoedown! WOW! I am so refreshed and invigorated and READY for the evening service! And I've been singing, clapping, shouting, and DANCING with all my might for the past hour and a half! If I had to choose between the two kinds of rest, spiritual rest wins hands down! Even though it is physically exhausting! Here are a few of the songs I have been worshipping to:
- Heart Set on Heaven - Dan Dean
- Thank you Lord for the Sunshine - Dan Dean
- I Choose to be a Christian - Dan Dean
- Take it to Jesus - Alexandria Sanctuary Choir
- Hallowed Be Your Name - Ron Kenoly
- Anointing - Ron Kenoly
- All Honor - Ron Kenoly
- Goin' Up to the High Places - Ron Kenoly
- Who's report will you believe? - Ron Kenoly
- Stop by the Church Sometime - Babbie Mason
- This is the Life - Babbie Mason
- Unity - Babbie Mason
- What Can Separate You? - Babbie Mason
It's just so exciting to go to church already primed in the Holy Ghost... yee ha! Leaving in about 15 minutes! Can't wait! Bye again!
Day of rest
I love Sundays. But I am especially loving today... this particular Sunday. I have only one son home with me (no fighting), my husband is working, it is cold and rainy, I don't have to GO anywhere until evening service, and my other son is upstairs playing with his best friend. So why am I blogging instead of taking a nap? Good question. I could really use a nap. I'm thinking about hitting the pillow for about an hour or so. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Guess I'll blog later. Bye.
Friday, October 07, 2005
The good and the not so good
Ok, no pictures in this post! They are too much work, and I am just too tired! I thought that once the whirlwind weekend was over, I'd be able to relax! HA HA HA HA HA! Still tons occurring in life... some good, some not so good, but all in the hands of Jesus Christ.
First the exciting news! Monday evening as I was herding the boys toward the bedroom for bed, Adam turned the radio on before climing up to the top bunk. I grabbed the devotion book we read from every night, and began flipping the pages, looking for the correct page. Suddenly, I hear Adam sniffling up on the top bunk. I look up, and his hands are raised up in worship, with big tears rolling down his cheeks. Evidently, the song on the radio hit his heart like a torpedo! I continued looking for my page, when suddenly, he began to cry out to God, "Lord, I'm ready! I want the gift of the Holy Ghost! I want it NOW! Here, in my room! I don't have to be at church or general conference! You are here now, and I am ready!" I nearly had a heart attack! He has NEVER prayed out loud except for grace at meals! And he was praying deep prayer, FOR AN HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got stammering lips a couple times, and I was SURE he was going to start speaking in tongues! But he always reverted back to English. It was awesome to see! I know he will receive the Holy Ghost soon! Thank you, Jesus!
In other, more stressful news, my place of employment is in turmoil. I am a substitute teacher at 3 local schools in two school districts. The one I work at MOST OFTEN is currently planning a teacher strike beginning on Monday morning. This is bad for me. They will be closing all the schools in the district until they can reach a reasonable agreement. Although I will be way short on income now, I support the teachers as they battle the ridiculous attempts of the school board to essentially eliminate their health care coverage. I know that if I had to pay 20% of my health care premium, and then pay the first $3,000 in medical bills before they paid a dime, I'd be AHEAD if I just didn't have health insurance. THAT is ridiculous. The atmosphere at the school I work in is very very tense. I also feel bad for the kids. They will be making up all these strike days in the summer. NOT FAIR to them either. The school board needs to get their act together. For EVERYONE'S sake!
What else can I share? At 12:36 am, probably not much! I'm getting way too tired. Time to log off and GO TO BED. Blessings to you all!
First the exciting news! Monday evening as I was herding the boys toward the bedroom for bed, Adam turned the radio on before climing up to the top bunk. I grabbed the devotion book we read from every night, and began flipping the pages, looking for the correct page. Suddenly, I hear Adam sniffling up on the top bunk. I look up, and his hands are raised up in worship, with big tears rolling down his cheeks. Evidently, the song on the radio hit his heart like a torpedo! I continued looking for my page, when suddenly, he began to cry out to God, "Lord, I'm ready! I want the gift of the Holy Ghost! I want it NOW! Here, in my room! I don't have to be at church or general conference! You are here now, and I am ready!" I nearly had a heart attack! He has NEVER prayed out loud except for grace at meals! And he was praying deep prayer, FOR AN HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got stammering lips a couple times, and I was SURE he was going to start speaking in tongues! But he always reverted back to English. It was awesome to see! I know he will receive the Holy Ghost soon! Thank you, Jesus!
In other, more stressful news, my place of employment is in turmoil. I am a substitute teacher at 3 local schools in two school districts. The one I work at MOST OFTEN is currently planning a teacher strike beginning on Monday morning. This is bad for me. They will be closing all the schools in the district until they can reach a reasonable agreement. Although I will be way short on income now, I support the teachers as they battle the ridiculous attempts of the school board to essentially eliminate their health care coverage. I know that if I had to pay 20% of my health care premium, and then pay the first $3,000 in medical bills before they paid a dime, I'd be AHEAD if I just didn't have health insurance. THAT is ridiculous. The atmosphere at the school I work in is very very tense. I also feel bad for the kids. They will be making up all these strike days in the summer. NOT FAIR to them either. The school board needs to get their act together. For EVERYONE'S sake!
What else can I share? At 12:36 am, probably not much! I'm getting way too tired. Time to log off and GO TO BED. Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Pictures from the birthday bash
As promised... some pictures from the second half of our busy weekend... my mom's surprise birthday party.

Surprise! Note the red face... neighbor in background (Karen) was instrumental in getting her to the scene of the crime!

Make a wish....

Opening presents

Birthday girl "Elaine" and husband Ray
The "culprits" responsible for blowing mom away with surprise...

My sister Charlene and husband Scott

My brother Tim and girlfriend Kazmin

Me and my husband Jason (with neice Sarah)
And finally, the picture I couldn't wait to post... the "other" set of cousins... from my side of the family...

Oh what a time we had! My grandparents and Aunt and Uncle, and sister and her family all made the trip from Maine to pull this off... thanks to EVERYONE who made it possible!

Surprise! Note the red face... neighbor in background (Karen) was instrumental in getting her to the scene of the crime!

Make a wish....

Opening presents

Birthday girl "Elaine" and husband Ray

The "culprits" responsible for blowing mom away with surprise...

My sister Charlene and husband Scott

My brother Tim and girlfriend Kazmin

Me and my husband Jason (with neice Sarah)

And finally, the picture I couldn't wait to post... the "other" set of cousins... from my side of the family...

Oh what a time we had! My grandparents and Aunt and Uncle, and sister and her family all made the trip from Maine to pull this off... thanks to EVERYONE who made it possible!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Pictures from cousin gathering #1
Hello! Here are some pictures from the first gathering of the cousins... on Jason's side of the family! What a fun day!

The "west coast cousins", Katie and Emily (a.k.a. Emma) ... are they gorgeous or what?

The "west coast parents" of Katie and Emma... Matt and Terry!

The 8 cousins in a wagon... say cheese!

The 8 cousins with their great gramma Rheuby

The "west coast cousins", Katie and Emily (a.k.a. Emma) ... are they gorgeous or what?

The "west coast parents" of Katie and Emma... Matt and Terry!

The 8 cousins in a wagon... say cheese!

The 8 cousins with their great gramma Rheuby

exhausted but happy
Wow... what a whirlwind weekend this has been! I am totally exhausted! But MAN WAS IT FUN!!! We began the fun with the first Red Sox vs. Yankees game on Fri. evening as I made apple crisp for the boys, and beef barley soup for the next day. I also watched the Foreign Missions service at General Conference live (at the same time as I listened to the game on the radio). Bro. Scott Graham preached his guts out, and looked as if the anointing may cause him to just explode! WOW! BTW, Red Sox WON!
Sat. morning we had two soccer games, then it was off to Maidstone, VT for a gathering with the Conants/Frechettes/Siebers/Citros/Johnsons/Carters/Mitchells, neighbors, and anyone else I may have missed! We had so much fun! We picked apples, pumpkins, and various other vegetables from Shawn and Judi's garden, pressed MANY gallons of apple cider (yum), walked to the river, did a little sling shot target practice, and watched 8 cousins ages 2-13 play together joyfully and peacefully! Oh yeah, we ate a lot of food, too! That goes with the territory at these family get-togethers! WAY good! Then on the way home, we stopped in St. Johnsbury to check on Ella, Jason's grandmother, who had surgery on Tuesday. She looks great! We got home around 11:30 pm. BTW, Red Sox lost. :(
Sunday, it was off to Enosburg to surprise my mom with a family party for her 60th birhtday (which isn't actually until October 12th). She was totally blown away! It was really fun! We went to mom and Ray's camp after the party and spent the afternoon visiting with family. Then off to church for the evening, which I should say, was very powerful! Once home, I got the boys to bed, and watched an archived service of General Conference I had missed over the busy weekend, and was blessed again! Services this year have been tremendously powerful! BTW, Red Sox KICKED BUTT and earned the wild card playoff spot for the ALCS!!!!!! YEE HAAAA!!!!! GO RED SOX!!! Red Sox rule, Yankees drool!
Anyway, now it is LONG past time for me to be passed out in bed... gotta get up early! Bless you all! Will post again soon! Will add pictures next time!
Sat. morning we had two soccer games, then it was off to Maidstone, VT for a gathering with the Conants/Frechettes/Siebers/Citros/Johnsons/Carters/Mitchells, neighbors, and anyone else I may have missed! We had so much fun! We picked apples, pumpkins, and various other vegetables from Shawn and Judi's garden, pressed MANY gallons of apple cider (yum), walked to the river, did a little sling shot target practice, and watched 8 cousins ages 2-13 play together joyfully and peacefully! Oh yeah, we ate a lot of food, too! That goes with the territory at these family get-togethers! WAY good! Then on the way home, we stopped in St. Johnsbury to check on Ella, Jason's grandmother, who had surgery on Tuesday. She looks great! We got home around 11:30 pm. BTW, Red Sox lost. :(
Sunday, it was off to Enosburg to surprise my mom with a family party for her 60th birhtday (which isn't actually until October 12th). She was totally blown away! It was really fun! We went to mom and Ray's camp after the party and spent the afternoon visiting with family. Then off to church for the evening, which I should say, was very powerful! Once home, I got the boys to bed, and watched an archived service of General Conference I had missed over the busy weekend, and was blessed again! Services this year have been tremendously powerful! BTW, Red Sox KICKED BUTT and earned the wild card playoff spot for the ALCS!!!!!! YEE HAAAA!!!!! GO RED SOX!!! Red Sox rule, Yankees drool!
Anyway, now it is LONG past time for me to be passed out in bed... gotta get up early! Bless you all! Will post again soon! Will add pictures next time!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
RED SOX RULE!!!!!!!!!
YES!!!!!!! Red Sox WIN!!!!! We are tied for first with the Yankees, with 2 games left! The electricity is incredible! The anticipation may kill me! JEFF!!!! I know you are listening down in Texas! RED SOX RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YANKEES DROOL!!!!!
General Conference
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!!!!!!!! My super wonderful mother in law gave me a wonderful birthday gift! Our church's general conference is in Richmond, VA this year. Those of us who could not attend are basically attending online, viewing the services online live, or watching them later in the archives.
WOW. The preaching is so incredibly powerful and anointed, we are just having church right in our living rooms! Worshipping right along with everyone else, as if really there! The Foreign Missions service I just finished watching live was powerful and deep in a way I cannot even explain with words. God is so amazing....
Thank you Julie! The gift of internet access to General Conference will have life changing effects on me for years to come! I love you!!!!
PS... the previous post about the crazy frog video was removed by me because of the host website, Jamster. They have some VERY inappropriate video material on their website, and I don't want anyone linking to it because of MY link! That would be bad. Sorry!
WOW. The preaching is so incredibly powerful and anointed, we are just having church right in our living rooms! Worshipping right along with everyone else, as if really there! The Foreign Missions service I just finished watching live was powerful and deep in a way I cannot even explain with words. God is so amazing....
Thank you Julie! The gift of internet access to General Conference will have life changing effects on me for years to come! I love you!!!!
PS... the previous post about the crazy frog video was removed by me because of the host website, Jamster. They have some VERY inappropriate video material on their website, and I don't want anyone linking to it because of MY link! That would be bad. Sorry!
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